A Forgotten Past?

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"Now wasn't that great everyone? "

"You can never give up on your dream just because of stupid humans"

"Now then lets-"

[The Goddess of memories has something to show Ogcale And White star]

[The god of Despair and hope raised a brow and scoff]

"Oh? Is that so, then you may use the screen dear goddess"

[The goddess of despair and hope is shock of how easy it was for a God to take over?! ]

"God-nim this is only temporary after this I will take over"

[The God of despair and hope is smilling suspiciously]

[The God of shadows snacks the God of despair]

[The God of music and instruments is ready for the show]

[The God of Time senses crisis]

[The God of Erasure senses crisis]

[The God of destruction is suspicious of both the God of Time and the God of Erasure]

Time normally I'd you think of this you'd say it just for tells what time it is

The God of Time handles all things related to this genre.

He could manipulate time whatever he wished but

That was how different world have different times.

The God of memories was the God of times Friend

One day she asked to wipe out a memory that someone have and adjust the time where it took so that no one will know of that memory

It was a forgotten Past


"I wonder who got his memories wiped out?"

"Why would they do that?"

[The Goddess of memories states at two people]

[The God of erasure looks away and doesn't wanna be in trouble]

[The God of time takes a deep breath and gets ready for the trouble he and his best friend will face]

["What's this?"-God of shadows]

["I was not aware of this, this wasn't inside the library of knowledge "-The goddess who takes care of the library of knowledge]

["Do you have anything else to tell us, that you haven't yet told us God Of Time"-God of destruction says with a smile]


A scene where you could see ogcale in a white dress with red hair walking down the isle.


" oh? Is this the future?"White star asked.

["Butch I told you I'm going to show you the past"-GoM]

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