Chapter 18

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*Carter's POV*

"Carter! Carter wake up!" Someone whisper shouts at me.

I slightly open my eyes peaking through to see Will sitting up next to me, gently shaking my shoulder. I turn around giving him my back. He sighs before I feel myself dip downwards as he scoots closer to me. Slowly his hands creep there way under my head and knees, so I'm in his arms.

I blink my eyes before looking up at him. "Will its like 1am. Why are you waking me up so early?" He looks down at me, staring deep into my eyes. He lowers his head before sitting on the edge of the bed pulling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry Carter." He whispers.

"What what are you sorry for?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

He rubs his temples, biting his lip before he continues. "For dragging you into the mess." He looks up at me with sadness and regret. "Your phone buzzed in the middle of the night. I checked it." He looks down ashamed. "Here." He says picking up my phone from the table before handing it to me.

I give him a confused look before unlocking my phone and opening my messages.

Unknown Number: You've been inside for a while now Carter. Why don't you come outside of your little boyfriends house before I do something I'll regret.

I stare at the message panic spreading inside me like a wild fire. I can feel the bile rising up my throat.

Turning to Will my eyes widen as I start to panic. "Wi... Will?" I ask starting to hyperventilate. I stand jumping to the other side of the bed and backing up until my back hits the cold wall.

"I'm sorry Carter. I'm sorry put I have to do this." He looks down at me with no sympathy, no regret or sadness. No emotion, just a cold heartless Will. Not my boyfriend. "I'm sorry Carter." He says before everything turns black as he pulls the trigger on the gun.

I jolt awake panting as sweat trickles down my face. I sit up and scurry out of the bed landing on my face against the fluffy carpet covering Will's floor.

Sitting up I look to the bed to find Will peering over the side looking confused. "Carter?" He asks tiredly sitting up swinging he legs over the side of the bed. I scurry backwards until my back hits the wall and the panic starts to settle in. "Carter, are you okay?" He asks carefully. His eyes are filled with sadness and confusion, nothing like his eyes in my dream.

The panting starts again as he starts walking over towards me. I couldn't keep it in any longer. So I curled into a ball and let the tears roll down my face. "Oh, sunshine." Will says sitting down next to me and pulling my limp body onto his lap. I couldn't move, I just sat there in his arms balling my eyes out.

After a few minutes I had finally calmed myself down and the tears had stopped. We just sat there in a comfortable silence. "Are you okay?" He asks calmly. I give a small nod, to tired to move away from him now. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." I reply.

"Oh." He mumbles looking away slightly hurt.

"Not now." I add snuggling into his chest.

He leans down kissing my forehead. "If you want to talk about it I'm here okay?"

"Mmkay." I mumble closing my eyes.

As I start to drift off I feel myself being lifted from the ground and placed gently on Will's soft bed. "Wait." I say opening my eyes and looking at Will who has just laid beside me. "Can you hand me my phone please?" I ask quietly.

He nods confused and reaches to the bedside table grabbing my phone and handing it to me. I grab it muttering a small thanks before unlocking and opening my messages. I let out a sigh of relief when I find no new messages. Smiling I hand the phone back to Will before snuggling down into the covers. His scents envelops me as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his chest.

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