Chapter 31

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*Will's POV*

Everything's set and ready to go. We'll get her back and away from Dom in no time. Nothing can stand in my way of getting my sunshine back.

*Kris's POV*

I want my sister back more than anything in the world. She's to vulnerable and childish to survive this. And I don't know if we can get her back.

Everyone has told me to stay positive and stay hopeful that we will get her back. But I know Dom, he doesn't give up on things. He never gave up on Lily and he's not gonna give up on Carter.

And to add to that, the place where they have Carter isn't the safest. I don't want anyone else getting hurt.

I just want her back.

*Anthony's POV*

I just want it back so much. I love it with all my heart and it just disappeared.

Where's my sandwich?

*Harry's POV*

This sandwich is so good.

*Blake's POV*

Where's Carter? I want her back home and safe. She'll be fine, she's a fighter. I know her. She'll make it through this. We just have to get her back home and everything can go back to... almost normal. Unless she finds out what I've been hiding... but she won't. The only one who knows is... never mind.

Where's that ring?

I sighed, looking down at the black velvet box in my hands. I hope Vanessa likes it. I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember. And Carter going missing, just makes me want to marry her more. I know weird, but Carter's absence made me realize that she made everyone around her happy, and that's what Vanessa does for me, she makes me happy. I used to hate Carter's quirkiness and how she spread happiness wherever she went. But then I realized; I want to be happy for the rest of my life, with Vanessa and my family.

*Hunter's POV*

Hector and I stood away from Carter's group of friends. We whispered quietly about the plan and how we were going to get Carter home.

Our sources on the inside just told us that Dom was killed by Val. And Val knows that we're traders, that's gonna make things a bit tougher, but we need to get Carter back.

"If Val killed Dom- his first in command and best friend- what is he gonna do to us?" Hector asked pacing the floor and muttering quietly to himself.

"Hector, calm down. Yeah, you're right, we all are in a lot of danger doing this. But Carter's there with Val and if he killed Dom- who he's known for years- what is he gonna do to her? Think of it Hector, she's in much more danger than us. It's our fault she's in there, we need to help get her out." I whispered trying to make sure that the group didn't here our conversation.

Hector bit his lip and slid down to the ground. "Why couldn't things be simpler?" He mutters shaking his head.

"Because people want some spice in their lives." I say sitting across from him.

"But wouldn't it be better if everyone just wanted lives filled with sugar and rainbows so that they wouldn't have to go through the tough things."

I sighed, he sounded so much like Carter with his sugar and rainbow nonsense.

"Hector, it's life. You can't keep the training wheels on forever, you need to live." I say.

"B-but..." He sighed burying his face in his hands.

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