Chapter 27

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*Carter's POV*

I awoke with a groan. My head throbbed in pain and my vision was slightly blurry when I opened my eyes.

I smiled in shock as I found my wrists no longer bounded together. There were thick red marks surrounding each of my wrists from where I had pulled against the restraints.

Standing up on shaking legs I realized how badly I had to use the restroom. Pursing my lips I hobbled quickly towards what I assumed was the bathroom.

After quickly doing my business I walked to the sink and splashed some water onto my face. After drying off I looked up into the mirror and let out an ear shattering scream.

Footsteps bounded outside the bathroom and the door burst open. Dom stood there panting with wide eyes as he looked around the bathroom before his eyes found mine.

"What did you do!?" I shout breathing heavily as I glare harshly at him.

"I-" he starts but I interrupt him before he could finish.

"No. I don't even want to hear it! Who do you think you are!? You can't just kidnap me, tie me to a bed, tell me that I'm adopted and that my whole life was fake! And then to top it all off, bleach my hair!" I shout as I turn back to the mirror and stare at my bleached blonde hair.

I watched in the mirror as Dom walked behind me and ran his calloused fingers through my hair. "I like it." He whispered.

I seethe in anger as I turn around and push him hard in the chest making him stumble back. He glared harshly at me and took a step forward but I put my hand out to stop him. "That's not your opinion to have! It's not you hair! It's not your life! You had no right to do... this!" I shout before whipping around and walking back towards the bedroom.

Dom lets out a growl of frustration as he stomps out of the bathroom and towards me. He roughly grabs my arm and slams me hard against the wall, pinning my with his arms. I wince in pain as my headache begins to grow and black dots flash in my vision.

"It is my opinion to have!" He spats at me, his face only inches from mine. "You are my fiancé! Mine!" He shouts pressing me harder against the wall. I cry out in pain and go limb in his arms.

Dom only sighs and carries me towards the bed. He lies me down gently before pulling the covers over me and restraining my hands once again.

One he's sure that I can't move, he climbs onto the bed next to me. I shiver as he drapes his arm across my waist and pulls me closer to him.

I attempt to get out of his hold, but it was no use. I was still in pain and Dom was much bigger and stronger than me.

"Go to sleep." Dom whispers, his mouth right next to my ear.

I attempt to relax and even out my breathing, closing my eyes tightly. When Dom assumed I was asleep, he sits up and pressed his lips to my temple.

I feel him smile against my skin before he moves away and walks towards the door. The floor creaks under his weight and the door squeaks as it opens.

I squint my eyes just enough so that I can see but he still thinks I'm sleeping. Dom stands in the doorway with pure adoration on his face. His hand rests on the doorknob as he leans against the doorframe.

He smiles softly as he stares at my limp form.

"Sweet dreams. I love you... Lily." He whispers before closing and locking the door.



*Kris's POV* (bet y'all weren't expecting that!)

The Boy ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें