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Okay so this is not an update but this is an important message about the last chapter and the next few chapters.

So I now that this book so far has been, you know, happy and humorous most of the time. But because we need some action some where, things are going to be less happy and be more dark.

Now I know in the last chapter I mentioned the Will was drinking.

*If you are underaged PLEASE do NOT drink*

My mum told be about an article recently about underaged teens drinking alcohol. People believe that the brain doesn't fully developed until around age 21 (the legal drinking age in the US). But it actually is fully developed around age 24. Anyway, people believe that because the brain isn't fully developed, alcohol won't have as big of an affect on them. But it actually has a bigger affect then when the brain is fully developed. By drinking at a young age, you can cause permanent damage to your brain and body.

So back to the book.

Will and many of the other characters who have been drinking are depressed and miserable, turning to alcohol as a way to escape their sadness.

Just because I wrote about them using alcohol to escape the misery doesn't mean I agree with it! I am against underaged drinking because I don't want people to have those long lasting affects on their brain and body.

I'm sorry this isn't an update but this is a serious topic and I don't want it to go unnoticed.

By adding the alcohol to these chapters it helps show the true feelings that Will and Kris are dealing with at the moment.

Again, just because it's in the book doesn't mean it okay.

I should have and update out next Friday.

But in the meantime keep smiling and stay safe


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