Chapter 28

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*Carter's POV*

"Dom, this isn't right. She has a boyfriend, who she obviously loves. You need to let her go." A voice says, awaking me from my slumber. I keep my eyes shut, wanting to listen to more of the conversation. The voice sounded slightly familiar, but in my groggy state I couldn't put my finger on it.

"For once I agree. She's not even the girl you love. Dom, she isn't her and she won't ever be. Why can't you see that?" A different familiar voice adds.

There was an angry growl that echoed through the room. "I don't care! I don't care how she feels about her ex. I don't care if she doesn't love me. I don't care if she isn't her! She's close enough and that's all that matters!" A voice that sounds like Dom shouts.

I heard someone sigh. "You should care, not everything is about you." The voice says before the floorboards creaked be the door squeaked.

"Screw him!" Dom shouted as a loud crash sounded. I bite the inside of my cheek harshly to keep from reacting. "She's mine, I don't care if she isn't Lily!" He shouted before stomping echoed through the room as he no doubt followed the first man. As the door slammed tightly shut I couldn't hold back the flinch.

The last man sighed. "I know you're awake, Carter." He said.

I bite my lip and opened my eyes to see Hunter sitting at the edge of my bed. "Hey." I say as I sit up.

At the moment I was kind of ticked off with Hunter. He was the one who upset me on my birthday and asked about my parents, knowing they had left years ago. If he hadn't made me angry I wouldn't have been taken away from my family. I'd probably be at home with Will, talking about prom and life after graduation. And now, Hunter being here with Dom, makes my trust for him continue to drop slowly.

Hunter sighs and runs his hands through his hair. Clearly knowing that we weren't on the best terms.

"Listen, Carter. I'm sorry about all this, I wish I could take it all back and never get involved with Dom." He says.

My eyebrow furrow as I stare at him in confusion. "Why? Why'd you do it Hunter?" I ask.

Hunter licks his lips before standing and sitting down again beside me, careful not to make direct body contact.

"Carter, when I was 8 years old my father got involved in some pretty bad stuff. He was drinking and getting involved with drugs. He couldn't pay off the debts fast enough. My mother was fed up with him and left us for another man. At a young age I got a job to help pay for his mistakes. He was in a great debt and I couldn't get money in quick enough. When I was 16, he died of an overdose. The people who sold him drugs still wanted their money though. So all these years, I've been working to pay off his debt. When I started getting desperate, I too got involved with some bad people. I needed money quick so I could try to live a normal life and forget my past. When I met Dom, he promised he'd pay off the rest of my father's debt if I helped get you here. I never questioned him. I was selfish and I only thought of myself and I'm sorry. I never even stopped to think of what he'd do to you or how you'd feel. But as we became closer friends, I wanted to pull out. Dom must have sensed that I was beginning to feel doubtful. So he said he'd kill you if I didn't go through with his plan. As much as I didn't want to see you put into the hands of Dom, I couldn't allow you to be killed. So I went through with his stupid plan. At least now I know you're not gonna be killed because I was so selfish." He said.

By the end of his speech there were tears pouring down my face.

"H-Hunter." I stuttered as I shook my head in disbelief. "T-thank you."

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