Chapter 4

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Carters Dress For The Dance


*Carters POV*

I stand in front of the mirror at Riley's house. Katie and I came over so we could all get ready for the dance. I stare at my outfit, dressed in a sleeveless black and white dress with a sparkly belt. My mask is all white with black on the edges. I have my hair straightened down my back showing my necklace that I got from my mom when I was younger.

Not to be modest or anything... oh who cares I'm always modest. But dang, I look hot.

Riley is in a black dress with a white bow. Her black hair is pinned up tight in a bun. Her mask is black surrounded by white sequins. And Katie (who we finally convinced to come) is wearing a long white dress with black lace at the top, covering most of her skin. Her blonde hair is curled and pulled into a small ponytail. All of us look beautiful (me being the most beautiful of course.) No one was supposed to bring a date to the event. The teachers agreed that it would lower our self-esteem not having a date when everyone else did. You could be with someone when you got there, but not on the way there. Although you weren't supposed to, I knew many of the girls and guys had asked people out already.

I had been to dances before, but this was the first time I had gone to a formal dance. I was nerves, frightened and excited. I couldn't wait to go.


When we arrived at the dance we decided to go in through the regular doors, not wanting to make a scene. (Although I doubt any of us would, beside me. Sorry modesty again.) The dance was at a hotel in the center of Waterville. Even though it's a small, casual town, we sure do have grand hotels.

We enter through the back doors, pushing our way through the crowds of students I could barely recognize. The three of us headed over to the punch bowls. I only wanted to go over to get away from the crowds. I didn't want to drink the punch knowing that one of the students must have spiked it with some alcohol. I watched as Katie sipped from a cup of punch. At her first taste she made a face that made me laugh so hard I leaned onto the table for support. Katie dumped her drink into the trash and stared at Riley and I who still hadn't stopped laughing.

After a minute our laughter had died out. We were talking about when we were planning our next trip to our cabin when a boy approached us. "Ladies," he says with a boyish smile and I knew who it was on instinct. Gregory Thomas, someone I... well I hated his guts. Over the years we had become bicker buddies, arguing over anything and everything. The teachers learned the hard way to never sit us next to each other... ever. "Katie." He says nodding in her direction, he smirks as a light blush covers her cheeks. "Riley. And... Carter?" I punch him in the arm but he doesn't seem fazed. "Yeah you're Carter." He says with a laugh "So enjoying the dance, girls?" he asked looking between the three of us.

"Actually, I was until you showed up," I reply, crossing my arms over my chest and sending him my best glare.

"No need to be rude, Car Car" says Greg, chuckling. I clench my fist popping my knuckles. Greg holds up his hands. "Woah, no need to be violent Car Car." I growl lunging for him but Riley holds be back. He chuckles shaking his head. "So, Katie, interested in a dance?" I turn to Katie who's standing there in shock.

"Um... um. I..I don't know," she says, clearly confused at his question. Riley nudges her lightly and nods her head while I shake mine. "Oh... what the heck, what do I have to lose?" she says with a smile. Greg takes her hand and pulls her with him to the dance floor.

"You smell that?" asks Riley.

"No. What?" I say confused, I could only smell alcohol and sweat and judging by the smile on my best friends face that wasn't what she was talking about.

"I smell some potential." She says smiling as she releases her hold on me.

"Ok, I'll be right back. And when I come back I don't want to see you standing here alone! Go out there and have some fun!" Riley tells me. I stare at her and then smile. She walks away and out of the ballroom. I probably will still be standing here when she comes back. I don't really like to dance and I definitely don't want to dance with someone I can't recognize. Or at least I don't think I would want to dance with a stranger.

But I know that my wish won't come true when I see a tall boy standing across the room. He's talking to his friend but he's looking right at me. From far away I can tell he's handsome, are eyes meet for a moment but then he turns to his friend. I look down cursing myself for what I had just done, now he would be to scared to come over and talk to me. As I look up hopping to meet his eyes again I find him walking in the crowds towards... me!

I'm in complete shock as he walks over. Sure enough I was right about him he was very handsome. His dark hair was spiked up at the front, complimenting his striking blue eyes. He looks kinda... familiar.

Wait.I think to myself. What if he's looking for one of my friends and doesn't want to dance with me? My feelings are denied as he walks closer, even in heels I'm a lot shorter than him. He walks closer and closer soon he's right in front of me. I can feel my nerves going into overdrive, my legs are probably shaking. I'm really scared, but also excited.

"Would you like to dance?" The boy asks me. I stare deep into his blue eyes, but I can't figure out who he is. I can't dance with a stranger! I know everyone at this school, but with his features hidden behind his mask, I can't tell who he is.

"Sure, I would love to." Did I just say that? I agreed to dance with a random boy who I don't know. He takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

We dance for a few songs. And then I realize that I really like this guy, the way he dances, the way he stares into my eyes... the way he looks at me. Before I know it he asks me "Would you like to take a walk, I know the perfect place." I nod and he pulls be behind him off the dance floor. We leave the hotel and start walking down a little path. At the end of the path I notice a little fountain surrounded by candles. Did he plan this? Or was it planned by the school for situations like ours. We walk over to the fountain and we sit down on the edge. "I had a wonderful time tonight." Says the guy. He reaches to his face and removes his mask. I gasp recognizing him immediately. How did I not know it before.

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