Chapter 22

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*Carter's POV*

I had found a dress.

After Will and I went home I called Riley to see if she had anything. Of course she just so happened to have a dress that I liked. She picked me up and we journeyed to her house where I raided her closet. After half an hour of endless searching I laid eyes on the perfect dress (picture.) It was exactly what I was looking for, not fancy but classy. Then we hung out together, chatting and watching Netflix. Eventually though I had to return home.

She dropped me back off at my house and wished me a happy birthday saying she wouldn't be able to greet me tomorrow morning. We bid our goodbyes and I walked slowly up the steps and into the house, closing the door quietly behind me and tip-toeing down the hallway. It was already 11 o'clock and I knew my brothers would be mad at me for not coming home.

"Where have you been?" I bite my lip cursing quietly under my breath before slowly turning around to face both pairs of twins.

My brothers and Will were staring at me angrily while Anthony only looked amused. I stuck my tongue out at him before looking nervously at my brothers and boyfriend.

"I was at Riley's." I tell them holding out the bag of clothes.

"You've been gone for hours. We were worried sick." Kris says.

I roll my eyes biting my lip to stifle a laugh. "I'm not 11 years old anymore, you guys don't need to worry so much."

"Your my girlfriend and their little sister. We're always going to worry about you." Will says walking forward and wrapping his arm around, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"With Dom back in town we don't want you wondering around late at night." Blake says looking at me with sympathy.

I narrow my eyes pushing Will off me. "Are you guys seriously still caught up on that?" I ask slightly angered. "He hasn't tried anything since the last time I saw him! Just because he's back doesn't mean he's going to do anything!" I grip my bag tightly before glaring at them and marching up the stairs.

I rushed up to my room and open the door, slamming it shut and locking it, ignoring everyone calling out my name. Sighing I drop the bag of clothes on my dresser before changing into my pajamas and dropping onto my bed.

I snuggle down into the covers before sighing.

Could my brothers be right? What if Dom really was trying to do something. No, he couldn't be. He was older and had matured, there was no way he was still caught up on a little high school relationship. We both knew when we were dating that we weren't going to be anything serious. Yet he went ahead and hired people to practically stalk me! When I had found out about this only a week after it started I marched down to his house and almost kicked the door down.

Yeah that's right I almost kicked the door down. That's right tiny Carter Bennett who has no muscle what so ever almost kicked a door down. That's how mad I was. (Okay so I didn't kick the door down actually. I just kicked it and then spun in circles grabbing my foot and muttering curses. But I was mad.) He answered the door smiling and greeting me with a kiss on the cheek. While I greeted him with a knee to where the sun doesn't shine. He fell to the floor groaning in pain while I yelled at him for not trusting me. I then proceeded to dump his sorry butt before marching home and reporting to Kris.

If you thought I was furious you should have seen Kris. His face was the color of a tomato and he was breathing extremely heavily. He then marched out of the house and didn't return till later with bruised knuckles. We hadn't seen or heard of Dom until the party.

That's what didn't make sense. Why would Dom wait two years come back? It would have been better if he never came back. If he was going to do something why wait two years after the breakup before doing something.

The Boy ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz