Chapter 20

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*Carter's POV*

"Attention students." The teacher calls making Will and I turn away from each other to look at the front of the room. "We will be having yet another new student join us today, so please be nice." I roll my eyes turning back to Will.

We were currently in our science block, the block filled with the rudest kids in the school (except for Anthony, Hector and Victoria of course) and the new student will be with us. Well he's in for a treat. "Class this is Hunter Wright." The teacher calls out. I turn facing the teacher once again. There standing beside the teacher was a boy standing at only 6' tall. Although he wasn't the tallest he was definitely the strongest. His arms were probably the size of my leg. His hair was a sandy color matching well with his brown eyes. He looked around the room with so much confidence, like he owned the place. Oh he and Anthony would get along fine. Unfortunately the idiot wasn't in this class.

"Does anyone have a vacant seat beside them?" The teacher asks looking around the class. I roll my eyes, perfect. After Will and I started dating we practically changed everyone's seats so we would be next to each other. Even with all our switching, Riley and I shared a bench while Will had an empty one. "Ah, William meet your new lab partner." The teacher says pushing Hunter towards us.

Hunter sits down next to Will giving him a brief head-bob before facing the teacher. I once again continue my discussion with Will about anything and everything, until we were rudely interrupted (again!)

"Mr. Aston, would you please switch places with Mr. Wright." The teacher asks impatiently.

"What!?" Will and I exclaim in unison.

"Go, switch please." She says motioning for them to switch.

"It's okay sunshine." Will says placing a hand on my shoulder.

I pout crossing my arms over my chest. "I did all that work moving seats to have it all go down the drain." I exaggerate.

I glare at the teacher before slumping into my seat. "Aw come on I'm not that bad." Hunter whispers in my ear making both Will and I glare at him.

"Don't. Touch. Her." Will says through gritted teeth.

I just laugh shaking my head. "Aw you truly are an idiot Mr. Hunter." I glare at him before leaning again. "Touch me again and I won't hold him back." I say motioning to Will before whipping around and facing Riley.

Hunter chuckles darkly before facing the teacher once again. Will however doesn't keep his eyes off the of us.


"Goodness Carter! No matter where I put you, you just talk!" The teacher exclaims exhausted.

I smirk leaning back in my seat. "Maybe you should just put me in the spot I started in Ms." I say.

"Fine just go! Everyone return to the seats you were in at the start of class!" She yells and almost everyone stands up, returning to their original seat.

I smile sitting down next to Will and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "My little trouble maker." He coos as the bell rings. The teacher groans burying her face in her hands.

"Just leave." She mutters walking to her desk and grabbing an aspirin out of the bottle. I smirk walking out of the class hand in hand with Will.

"Hey wait up!" We turn around seeing Hunter standing there.

"May we help you?" Will grounds out pulling me closer to his chest.

"Relax babe." I say placing my hand on his chest. "Oh my gosh did I just call you babe?" I ask surprised, he nods smirking. "Oh god, did Anthony put anything in my cereal?" I ask rubbing my head. Will laughs shaking his head.

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