Chapter 1

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*Carters POV*

"Listen, all I'm saying is that school dances are an absolute waste of time!" Classic Katie, always trying to find a way to convince us not to go to social events. "The teachers are plotting against us. They just want to distract us so we do awful on our tests!" Katie says angrily crossing her arms over her chest.

Katie is a very smart, kind and quiet girl. She's pretty and she might be popular if she didn't spend so much time trying to get out of social events.

"The teachers aren't plotting against us." I say rolling my eyes. "They're giving us a break from school." I try reasoning with her, but I know it's hopeless.

"They're just trying to distract us for the big test coming up soon. You guys can go, but I'm staying home and studying." She says defensively. Katie hasn't needed to study for a test since the first grade. She's almost 2 units ahead of the class.

"Katie, you don't need to worry! That test isn't even for another a week and the dance is this Friday. You can study after the dance." says Riley. "You deserve to get out and have some fun. You've been studying for the past week."

Riley is beautiful, she's shy at school but an outgoing loud girl outside of school. Her black hair goes perfectly with her brown eyes and tanned skin. She may not be as smart a Katie but she is extremely smart.

I was bored of them arguing so I sort-of zoned them out. I can do that sometimes. When there are lots of conversations going on around me I can pick one and I won't hear the rest. I hear Diana crying over her resent breakup with Hector. Apparently he was cheating on her with Victoria. Victoria and Hector are talking together across the room. Diana keeps sneaking sad glances their way, but they don't seem to care or notice. I feel bad for Diana. The boy she could have loved left her for someone else. I knew what it felt like, to have someone, or in my case some people, leave you.

"Carter? Carter! Earth to Carter!" I realize Riley has been calling me. I turn around and look at her. "Are you ok? You've been acting strange today."

"Oh no she's sick!" exclaims Katie "Guess that means we won't be going to the dance." She scowls pretending to be upset.

I roll my eyes "I'm fine guys. I was just thinking about things, ok?" I raise an eyebrow. Silently asking if they believe me.

They nod mumbling 'yeahs' and 'okays'.

I smile standing up from our lunch table and grabbing my tray before heading to the garbage bins. I throw my trash away and leave the cafeteria. As I walk out the door I bump into someone. I look up to see Kris standing there. He smiles down at me. "Didn't think you'd see me, huh?" I completely forgot that he was going to be a sub here for the remainder of the school year while the 9th grade science teacher was out with her newborn son.

I smile up at him. "No I just forgot you were working here." Kris and Blake are both a lot taller then me, so I have to tilt my neck up. I hear a grunt and turn around. Riley and Katie are standing there staring at me. "Oops, I forgot. Kris you remover Riley and Katie from the cabin. Girls you remember Kris." Kris smiles hugging my friends before he turns his attention back to me.

"I meant to tell you this morning that I can give you a ride instead of you taking the bus," he says. I nod and smile saying a small thanks.

"Mr. Bennet! I know you are still young but the school forbids you to go around giving rides to students!" I turn around and see Dr. Samuelson standing behind us. She's one of the nicest people at our school. If she thinks that Kris isn't my brother I'm in trouble.

"I'm so sorry Dr. Samuelson," says Kris, "but you seem to have made a mistake. Carter here is my sister." He puts his arm around me.

She stares at us with a confused look on her face. "You're siblings?" she asks and I nod. "Well, I'm truly sorry for accusing you, Mr. Bennett. I'm also sorry for accusing you, Carter." she says giving us a nod before walking past us into the lunch room.

"That was really weird," I say turning to Kris. But his eyes are focused elsewhere. I follow his gaze to Dr. Samuelson. "Ooooooooooh," I say wiggling my eyebrows "Someone's got a crush!" He turns his eyes back to me and gives me a goofy smile, and walks away. I smile to myself as Riley, Katie and I head to class.

As we walk through the almost empty hallways I feel someone's eyes burning into my back. I turn quickly catching the eye of a handsome, blue-eyes boy with dark hair. He purses his lips before turning away quickly and facing his friends.

I shrug following my friends to our lockers before we have to go to our next class. I can still feel the boys eyes on me. But I don't dare face him again.

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