Classification Day

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     Tim sat in the small room waiting for his results. He had just turned sixteen last week and was part of twenty some kids from his school that had to take their mandatory government classification test.

     His leg bounced a little as he started to get bored. He already knew what they were going to be. Everyone in his family knew that he was a Dom. There was no question about it. His presence just cried respect, he was quite tall, standing at 6'3" already, and the fact that he doesn't take shit from anyone. He was just waiting for the second set of test results, and he'd be on his merry way.

     As he sat there waiting, he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair and sighed. He wondered what kind of Dom he was going to be. Was he going to be a Master, like his older brother? Or maybe just a General Dom like his parents had been. Hell, he'd even go for Owner. Honestly though, the thought of having a Pet didn't really thrill him. He really hoped for a general Dom.

     The one thing he KNEW he wasn't... was a Caregiver. How did he know? Simple, he hated Littles. Anything and everything to do with them. He hated the baby talk and how they tried to be cutesy. He hated the sound of their crying. He really hated the snot that they got everywhere... and we're not even going to talk about what they do in their diapers. He knew he would rather die than change a little's diaper.

     Tim had dreams, big dreams. He scoffed a bit as he thought that Littles did nothing but hinder people's dreams. Daddies and Mommies had to give up everything to take care of them. His dreams were to make a name for himself in the automotive world and find himself a nice girl. He'd already gotten a job working on weekends at the detailing shop that did work on his brother's car.

     "Timothy James Crater?" The nurse's voice broke the silence and his thoughts.

     "Yes ma'am?" He stood up and looked at the closed folder in her hand. This was it! This was the moment he'd been waiting for!

     "Congratulations... you're a..."

     Gatlin's birthday was almost three weeks ago. He was supposed to be tested last week, but his father had forgotten. His father had so much on his mind all the time, trying to keep them from losing the apartment and going bankrupt.

     He didn't know why, but he felt like his test was taking longer than the kid in front of him had. They had checked his health twice now, making sure to comment on how thin he was. But that wasn't his fault. His father was thin too. They got food when they could. But the social workers who visited every month didn't need to know that.

     Gat loved his father and didn't want to be taken away. They almost took him twice now, because of the money situation, if they came to close one more time... he was going to be taken for sure.

     He swung his short legs back and forth while he waited for the nurse to come back with the results. He hoped for Neutral. His mother had been a Neutral, rest her soul, and his father was a general sub. But since he was just a General, he didn't require a Dom if he could prove he could take care of himself... but he was on the watch list from the government. One missed payment on ANYTHING and they were going to have to pair him and take away Gat. They lived in fear quite often.

     Life was hard for them. Mom was the one who really kept everything together. But the last two years hadn't been kind to either of them after her death. They had to sell the house a month after they lost the income from her job. They went down to one car, not that Gat could drive yet anyway. And since her death, Gat had been having nightmares. He'd never tell his father of course. He didn't need anything else to worry about.

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