Voluntary and Forced

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     As they pulled up to the school, Tim hoped that it didn't start thundering. He knew that the coach wouldn't call off practice because of the rain, but even the coach has to obey the school rules about thunderstorms. If there's any lightning, everything will be called off.

     Tim parked the truck and looked in the backseat at Gatlin holding his bear. What was he going to do with Gatlin while he was outside? He didn't want Gatlin sitting in the rain. He might get sick... and he was NOT going to deal with a sick kid. Maybe he could leave him in the library? Was the library even open on Sunday?

     "Gatlin." Tim reached back and shook his leg. "We're here. I'm gonna grab the umbrella I think I have in the back of the truck. Then I'll come around and get the bag and let you out. Just wait for me."

     Once they were inside, Tim shook the rain off the umbrella and closed it up. It was turning into a really bleak day outside. There was still no thunder, but the sound of the rain was almost deafening as it echoed in the empty halls of the building.

     "I think it'd be best if you stayed in the library while I was at practice." Tim walked forward with Gatlin quickly following. Tim noticed that Gatlin was unusually quiet since they got into the truck. He actually was quiet since Tim zipped up his coat... why did he do that? What had possessed him to do such a thing?

     They were almost at the library when they saw someone walking down the hall towards them. The man walking towards them had his head down in his phone and didn't seem to notice them until they almost bumped into each other.

     "Oh!" He said looking up at the boys. "Sorry, I didn't expect anyone to be here so early."

     "Mr. Cake?" Tim asked slightly confused. "Why are you here on a Sunday?"

     "I take turns with the other teachers coming in from 3-5 in case any student wants help with homework. This happens to be my weekend. I came in early to get all set up. What brings you here?"

     "Practice starts up today."

     "Oh, right." Mr. Cake's attention moved to Gatlin. "And what will you be doing while he's busy?"

     "I was just going to read in the library."

     Mr. Cake's face shifted slightly. He looked saddened. "The school library is locked up on the weekends... and technically, you're not supposed to be anywhere unattended." Both Tim and Gatlin could hear in his voice how sorry he was. "But hey! You are more than welcome to come with me and sit in my office until Tim is done."

     When Mr. Cake said that the library was locked up, his heart sank... but not nearly as bad as it did when he then told him he couldn't be left unattended. Tim looked down at Gat and shrugged.

     "I really don't want him out in this rain while we practice. But it's up to him. Do you want to stay with Mr. Cake until I'm done?" Tim asked.

     Gat didn't know what he wanted to do. He had just started feeling like he might get a few more freedoms on the weekend, and then he was hit with this. He looked out a window and listened to the rain hitting the glass pane. Then he turned and looked at Mr. Cake.

     "I guess... it would be nice to stay dry..." Gat said slowly.

     Mr. Cake held the door open to the office while Gat walked in. He wasn't sure what he was expecting... but it wasn't this. The room was painted in a robin's egg blue and had dark blue trim. There were two pine-colored desks at the front of the room with blue office chairs. On the other side was a single long table with four matching chairs around it.

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