Silence and Embarrassment

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A set of hands were suddenly under Gat's armpits. He was a bit shocked because he hadn't been paying attention to their conversation. He didn't care what they were fighting about. He was just trying to figure out a way to get out of taking a nap.

The hands belonged to Tim. Gat looked up and started to shake when he saw the murder in Tim's eyes. He could even feel Tim's anger through his hands. Tim was furious and his grip was tighter than Gat would have liked. His sides were starting to hurt, and he let out a small gasp. He tried not to move too much as he was quickly carried from the bed he was in, to the same crib he'd been in the day before. Tim had loosened his grip slightly before placing him the crib. Almost like he realized he was hurting him.

"Go to sleep." Tim snarled.

"I... I can't." Gat wasn't going to sleep. There was no way he was going to chance a nightmare in the middle of all these Caregivers.

"And why not?" Tim's brow furrowed and he let out a sigh.

"I..." Before he could say anything else, Mrs. Desini was hovering over them again.

"You can always try reading him a story or carry him around and bounce him. He's small enough to be rocked in the rocking chair if you don't feel like walking around." She was spitting out all these ideas. Neither of them were really listening.

"Can... I... PLEASE... have ONE moment where you're not over my shoulder!" Tim scream whispered.

"You only have twenty minutes left of nap time. See if you can at least get him to rest quietly." She left with a huff.

Tim looked back down at Gat. Gat gulped and his eyes looked a bit glassy. "I can be quiet. I'll just lay here and not make a sound. She won't have a reason to yell at us."

Tim thought about it. This was the second time that Gatlin had suggested something smart. She would leave them alone, and Tim could have a few moments of free time before all the screaming started back up... and Gatlin didn't have to sleep. It would be a win-win for both of them.

"Fine. At least pretend to sleep or whatever." Tim walked to his desk and pulled out some homework.

Just over twenty minutes had passed before the first Little started to stir. There was a few whimpering sounds before the full-on screaming started.

'Oh god, please no...' Tim wasn't having it today. He decided tomorrow he was going to bring earplugs. At least that would drown it out a little.

All the other Caregivers got up and started to collect their Littles. Tim rolled his eyes as he walked down to where Gatlin was. At some point, Gatlin had actually fallen asleep. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing... kinda funny. He started to flinch and breathe harder. The flinching quickly turned into flailing. Sweat started to cover his forehead.

"Hey." Tim shook him a bit, but there was no response. "Hey! Wake up!" Tim reached in and pulled Gatlin out of the crib. "What the?!" Tim was shocked when Gatlin suddenly took a fist full of his shirt and put his head against his shoulder. Gatlin stopped shaking and his breathing evened out. He looked like he was still asleep and had no intention of waking up.

Tim suddenly didn't know what to do. Should he put him back in the crib? Should he try to wake him up again? 'What... what is he even... is he cuddling up to me? This is weird.' Tim suddenly was slightly calmer and almost drew Gatlin in a bit closer... until...

"Awe... it looks like someone's sleepier then he thought." All his calm went away and was replaced with anger once more.

The sound of the teacher's voice made Gatlin's eyes start to flicker. He opened them and lifted his head from Tim's shoulder. He looked around and suddenly went red. He let go of Tim's shirt and leaned as far away from him as he could.

I'm A What?!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora