Little Problems

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     Tim couldn't believe his eyes! It... it couldn't be. There was no way! His friend's eyes were traveling over the room, taking in everything around him. Suddenly, they landed on Tim, he gasped as well. Slowly, his friend walked towards them as he played with a string that was dangling from his sleeve.

     "Nate?!" To say Tim was shocked was an understatement.

     "H-hey Tim..." Nate gulped and rolled the string around his fingers. He looked down at the floor and chewed on the inside of his bottom lip. "What... what are you doing in Little class?"

     "I... um..." It was obvious that both of them were embarrassed to be there. Neither really knowing what to say to the other. Tim's secret had just been blown wide open! But at the same time, did Nate have a secret now too? 'Who knew that Nate would turn out to be a Caregiv...' Tim's thoughts were cut off when the teacher walked into the room and started talking.

     "Class, we have a few new students joining us! Two new Littles and a new Caregiver! Now, since we have an odd number, I'm going to assign one of our new Littles with a Caregiver who has a Little with an older headspace." She looked around the class and smiled. "Logan. I believe your Little is about five years old, correct?"

     "Yes ma'am." Logan slightly bumped James who smiled up at him.

     "I would like you to take care of Cora here, headspace of three years old. Sweetheart, go ahead and sit next to Logan, he'll be your new Daddy and you have an older brother! Isn't that exciting?" The small redhead quickly made her way down the aisle and stood next to his desk. Logan smiled and pulled an extra chair up next to him and started whispering to her. She giggled and hugged him.

     "Alright that leaves our new Caregiver Asa and our new Little Nate together."

     Tim gulped hard as he looked up at Nate who still stood next to his desk. He never even expected this. Nate didn't move, except to blush. He was shocked.

     "You're a tall Little aren't you?" A voice was suddenly next to Nate, making him jump slightly. "Come on buddy, let's find a place to sit." The boy was equally as tall as Nate, but definitely didn't have the muscles.

     Tim had expected Nate to scream or get mad, but he simply turned away from Tim and nodded as Asa led them to an empty desk next to Tim and Gatlin. Nate kept his head down for the rest of their Homeroom.

     Most of that morning was just a review of what had happened the past week. They needed to get the new Caregiver and Littles up to date. Cora seemed to just beam every time she heard something she liked... Nate on the other hand, would turn a new shade of pale. The real fun started when it was time for the protection to be applied.

     "Now, Logan, you already know what to do, but if you and Asa could take your Littles to the back of the room, we can get this done before the next class." Mrs. Desini got up and started walking towards the changing tables.

     "Alright bud. Let's go." Asa said.

     "No." It was the first thing Nate said since he sat down.

     "That wasn't a request. We've got to get protection on you."

     Tim tried not to listen to the conversation, but seeing as he was right next to them, it was kinda hard not to hear everything. He tried to turn away and looked at Gatlin. It looked like he was trying not to listen in also. Gatlin looked like he was turning red from secondhand embarrassment for Nate.

     Nate mumbled something under his breath and turned away from Asa. "What was that bud? I didn't hear you."

     "I said..." Nate got a little louder, but still just enough for only those close by to hear. "I already have on protection. I don't need it."

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