Return of the Bitch

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     "So she really is your teacher?" Howard asked as he got himself a juice from the fridge.

     "Unfortunately." Tim got himself a matching drink and sat at the kitchen counter.

     Gatlin was completely worn out from earlier and had nearly fallen asleep standing up. Tim told him he could sleep on the couch. Gatlin staggered to the living room and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the cushion. Tim made sure he wasn't in a weird position to hurt his side and went to have a talk with Howard.

     "She's a real stickler for everyone else to follow the rules... but doesn't think they apply to her at all apparently." Tim huffed and took a drink. "She also keeps pushing me and Gatlin to do things we don't want to do because it's supposedly things we'll need to learn when he drops. If he ever drops..." He looked in the living room and sighed. "She seems especially mean towards Gatlin. Everyone seems to have it out for him, just because of the way he was classified."

     "Hmmm." Howard gave a smirk. He knew Tim was getting more mature. He personally still didn't care for Littles, but like with normal children, it all depended on the parent. Most Caregivers just let the Littles do whatever they want, thinking that the world was owed to them or something. Even if the classification was wrong, Tim was going to make a good Dom. "Is he doing alright?" Howard asked, just slightly worried about the kid.

     "How's the expression go? It's a small world? Turns out I've been working with his uncle the whole time. Not sure what's going on between them, but his uncle and his dad had a huge fallout of some kind I'm guessing. The guy doesn't know anything going on in Gatlin's life. His aunt is a Pet... a really whiney Pet... and I think the interactions drained him."

     Howard nodded in understanding. "You know... she'll be back soon." Howard said as he swirled the last of his drink in the bottom of the bottle. "With the proper paperwork. Do you have everything done?"

     Tim paused mid-drink and gulped hard. He hadn't thought of that. Most of the Sub room was put together... but the house wasn't child proofed. That was one of the things she was going to be looking for. Luckily, he had bought all the supplies on their first big shopping trip.

     "I should probably get started on the stupid proofing." He said with a grumble. "Do you think Emma could help? It would go faster. I don't think the bitch will be gone for long."

     The proofing went faster than he thought it would. Gatlin was still asleep when the doorbell angrily rang three times. Howard wanted to be the one to answer. He knew what to look for as far as paperwork and proper identification.

     Tim went into the living room. Gatlin's eyes were open. The doorbell must have woken him up. He looked around confused for a bit, like he didn't know where he was. He looked at Tim and his eyes focused. He slowly sat up and wiped off some drool from his face. His throat was dry, and he was kinda hungry. He was about to say something when he heard voices coming in from the entryway.

     "You have to let me in! I have other students I have to visit today. I don't have time for this!" Mrs. Desini's sharp voice pierced the air. Tim noticed that Gatlin flinched.

     "You're only wasting your own time. If you had the proper identification and documentation the first time, we wouldn't be here now would we?" Howard's strong Dom voice followed.

     "FINE! HERE!"

     There was a moment of silence. Tim figured Howard was checking everything over.

     "See, that wasn't so hard to follow the rules, now was it?" Tim could hear the smugness in Howard's voice.

     Tim heard footsteps and soon Mrs. Desini was in their living room. She looked mad. Gatlin turned and saw her behind him. Tim got up and stood next to Gatlin.

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