This Is a Bad Joke

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     Tim walked in the front door of his home and slammed it hard behind him, but that didn't seem to be enough. He opened and slammed it a few more times before he gave out an aggravated scream. He stomped his feet all the way to his room and slammed that door too. He walked up to his bed and fell face first into it.

     "I was going to ask how it went." A voice from his now open door said. "But I'm guessing it went badly?"

     Tim looked up and saw his brother, Howard, leaning against the doorframe. He had a smirk on his face and was still in his work clothes. He must have just gotten home. He works hard and Tim looks up to him as someone that has made it in the world. Someone he wants to be like.

     "Think the worst ever... and multiply that by a thousand." Tim's face was in the bed again and his voice was a bit muffled.

     "You're a Sub?" The brother said sarcastically as he loosened his tie.

     Tim looked up quick and gave a dirty look. "NO!" He yelled at Howie, throwing a pillow at him. "Not that bad, thank goodness."

     "You said the worst thing." He walked into the room and picked up the folder Tim had dropped on the floor. The smirk on his face slowly faded as he read the large words on the top page of the results. His normally pale blue eyes turned gray with anger.

     "This is a bad joke, Timmy." Howie threw the folder at his head. "Give me the real results."

     "That IS the real results!" He snapped back at Howie.

     "Do you even realize what this means?" Tim saw the disgusted look on his brother's face. Howie hated Littles almost as much as Tim himself did. "It means one of those things is going to be living here." He said with a sneer.

     "What are you talking about? I'm not bringing one here! Where do I even put it? I don't know how to take care of a brat!"

     "You have to bring home a Sub for at least a week! Don't you remember when I got my test?"

     Tim thought about it, it had been a long time ago... but he vaguely remembered there was a boy that lived with them for a short time. He couldn't really remember his name, or what he even looked like for that matter. The kid stayed mostly in the Sub room.

     "What age?" Tim looked up at Howie with confusion. "What age is your Caregiving, dummy?" Howie's patience was running thin with his brother. Howie didn't have much to start with. Just ask his wife/Sub, she'd tell you that any day.

     Tim hadn't even bother to look at his age range. He was still mad about even being a Caregiver. He opened the dreaded file once more and looked it over. "Are you KIDDING ME?!?" He screamed as he read the age bracket.

     Gat wasn't allowed to go home to get any of his belongings. The 'nice' government lady had said that they would provide everything he needed until he had his own Caregiver. They drove for a short while before they stopped in front of a large, cold looking, stone building.

     "Where are we?" Gat asked.

     "This is a Sub orphanage." The woman said as she got out of the car.

     "Orphanage?! I have a dad! Why am I here?" Gat refused to get out of the car.

     "Oh honey..." She pulled the small boy out rather roughly and tried to give him a hug. Gat pushed her away. "Your dad was a Sub. Only a Daddy or Mommy can take care of you now."

     "Why can't I take care of myself?" Gat was still fighting to get out of her iron like grip.

     "Because you're too small. Now come on."

     Once they got inside, with lots of fighting from Gat, a nurse was inside waiting for him.

     "You must be Gatlin." She said with a big smile. Her bright red lipstick made the rest of her face look pale. She walked up to him and took his hand in hers. "You're such a cute little thing, aren't you?" She said with a sickly-sweet voice. "We'll take it from here." She said to the government woman.

     "You be good now." The woman said to Gat, making it sound more like a threat than a request.

     "Where... where are you taking me?" Gat said to the nurse as she pulled him along at a pace that was a bit too quick for his short legs.

     He tripped a few times as she was dragging him along before she turned around and saw him trying to keep up. She stopped and smiled. Without warning, she picked him up and placed him on her hip. "I'm sorry buddy. I should have been carrying such a little guy."

     Gat turned red with anger. He started to push on the nurse who wasn't acknowledging what he was saying. "Put me down! Put me down right now!" He screamed in her ear.

     "Ah, we have a cranky little boy. After we get you changed into proper clothes you can take a little nap." She tried to boop his nose, only to have him try to bite her finger. He was furious.

     "Changed?! NAP?" Gat was cut off by something pushed into his mouth. He pulled it out and threw it to the floor. It was a pacifier. "Why would you put that in my mouth? I'm not a Little!"

     The nurse ignored him as she seemed to have reached her destination. As soon as she walked through the door, Gat turned pale and started to scream.

     Tim thought that Monday came too fast as he walked towards his new homeroom. He'd have to start and end each day in his new Dom classes. He looked over the list and almost gagged at the names of the classes. He had three classes total for his classification that he'd have to take for today alone! Caregiver/Little 101, Snuggles and Cuddles, and Basic Health of Littles.

     'This is gonna be a long year.' He thought as he hesitated at the door. Maybe if he lingered long enough, they'd forget all about him. Maybe he could get away without having to pick a Little.

     "You better get inside before final bell goes off." An older woman was standing next to the door looking at Tim.

     "And if I don't?" He gave a mischievous grin that would rival his brother's grin.

     "Then you fail the class... and if you fail this class, you'll have to take it over again next year... when you're held back for the entire school year." The woman crossed her arms and gave a serious look.

     Tim went slightly pale before clearing his throat and standing taller. "You can't do that." He said with a sneer.

     "I can... and I will. Now get in there. You're the last Caregiver to pick a Little. If there's none left, then you get to work with the class Little." She stepped off to the side and motioned him in with her head.

     Tim give a hard sigh as he walked into the room. It was broken up into two different sections. There was a small area that looked like a normal classroom, granted it had less desks then most rooms and each desk looked like it was made for two people. The other side was much larger. It looked like an oversized nursery or daycare of some kind. It was so colorful that Tim thought he was going to puke just looking at it. On the far wall there were a line of brightly colored beds with railing around them, and three cribs just beyond that.

     There was five other Caregivers in the room. They all had a Little with them... or more accurately... sitting on them. One girl had twins both fighting and whining to sit in her lap.

     Tim sighed again as he walked in and looked at all the empty beds. All the files were taken. He walked further and got to the cribs. He had a slight smile come on his face when he figured all the Littles were taken. 'Good. The class Little doesn't have to come home with me then.' He thought. 'They are just for the class, not to actually be taken home away from their own Dom... right?'

     He was about to walk away when he heard a sound coming from the last crib. He rolled his eyes as he turned around and walked back. In the corner of the crib was a small boy with sandy colored hair. He had hisown clipboard and seemed to be reading it.

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