This or That

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     Tim was still sitting on the floor when the door flung open in front of him. There stood Mrs. Desini with her hands on her hips. She looked furious. Tim quickly stood up and gave her a blank face.

     "What do you think you're doing?" She said in her dom voice. "You deserted your little."

     "I was not going to listen to some snot nose kids screaming." He kept his cool and didn't scream at her, even though he wanted to. "I'm telling you, they mis-classified me. I don't want anything to do with any of... this!" He held his hands up and gestured towards the class.

     He could still hear a few littles inside crying, though the actual screaming had stopped. He didn't want to walk back into that room. He wasn't going to walk back into the room! He tried to stand his ground.

     She gave a hard glare at him and an aggravated sigh. "Fine. If you're not going to come back into the classroom... then we'll just talk out here in the hall. The very empty hall that is known to echo. We'll talk all about how you're a caretaker who deserted his little when they needed him... it might leak into a nearby classroom with, oh, one of your fellow teammates in it..."

     Tim gave her a cold glare. "You wouldn't." He hissed.

     "I would... and I will if you don't get back to your little... right... now." Her dom voice was scary. But Tim wasn't going to admit it. He also didn't want to risk her threats. He threw his hands up in frustration and walked back into the room.

     He walked back over to Gatlin and plopped down in the same spot he'd been before. He looked down at Gatlin, really not wanted to see the red puffy eyes and the snot that was probably still running down his nose. But there was nothing. There was no signs he'd cried at all. If anything, he looked angry... with just a touch of confusion.

     The bell soon rang, signaling the end of Snuggles and Cuddles and the start of Basic Health of Littles. Mrs. Desini had everyone come to their seats as two new people walked into the room holding hands. One of them was quite short and dressed in overalls with one of the clips undone and hanging carelessly to the side. He was obviously wearing a onesie underneath and a slight diaper bulge could be seen.

     "Class..." Mrs. Desini spoke loudly over the chatter. "This is Troy. He's not only the class little, he's also my little. He'll be here every day to help us with demonstrations." She went over to the short man and kneeled before him. His fingers instantly went into his mouth, and he mumbled something. She smiled and thanked the woman who had brought him in. The woman nodded and left.

     Gat looked at Troy and wondered how old he really was. The way he was dress, he could have passed for someone in there early twenties... but his face made him look a bit older. Maybe even in his late thirties.

     'Oh god...' Gat thought as he tried to scooch a little further away from Tim, nearly falling off his seat. 'I don't want to be that. I don't want to dress like that up till I'm an old man. I don't want this life. It's not fair that the government can take our lives away from us! It's just not fair.' Unknown to Gat, he'd accidentally said that last line under his breath.

     "What's not fair?" Tim asked him in a hushed voice. "What are you talking about?"

     Gat avoided Tim's glare and gulped. "N-nothing. Just... ignore me." He barely whispered.

     'What does he mean? What's not fair? What is going through his stupid little mind?' Tim was getting annoyed from this little. He kept dodging his questions and acting all moody. He really didn't want this in his home. He didn't need a whiney little.

     "I need all littles to come to the front and get a copy of the schoolwork." Mrs. Desini broke his thoughts.

     Gatlin slowly got up and walked to the front. He got one of the pages on her desk and returned. Tim looked at the paper he set on their shared desk and rolled his eyes again. It was a 'this or that' questionnaire. It looked like it was all for littles. 'What does she expect us to do? Gatlin can fill this out himself like that other paper. I really don't care what his choices are.' Tim thought as he gave a huff.

     "All mommies and daddies to the back for a demonstration please while their little fill out the paperwork."

     Again, Tim sighed as he pulled himself to his feet and walked to the back of the room, back into the nursery part. All the students stood around one of the changing tables that the teacher was standing in front of.

     "Alright everyone. Today we're learning one of the most important things in little health. The diaper change." Tim went pale and tried to back away from the group best he could. "The first thing you need to do is make sure the table you will be using is fully stocked with diapers, powders, and creams for their cute little tush." She leaned down and tapped the nose of her little. He gave out a giggle that everyone but Tim cooed at.

     'Who in their right mind would willingly clean up another person's shit?' Tim thought to himself as he tried to inch away even further. His actions didn't go unnoticed by the teacher.

     "Tim... you'll be first." Everyone parted and looked at him. "Well Mr. Crater?"

     Tim sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked up to the little that was on his back. The little's eyes seemed to be glazed over, a good indication that he was actually in his littlespace.

     While Tim was in a living hell, Gat was in a nightmare of his own. The 'schoolwork' they were given with nothing but a single piece of paper with this or that choices on it.

     'Diapers or pullups?' He read to himself. He didn't want either. But pull-ups were the lesser of two evils, that would at least give him a little dignity of going to the bathroom himself. He was about to circle it when he read the words underneath the question... 'Littles under 2 years don't get to choose.'

     He growled as he moved onto the next question. 'Sippy cups or bottles.' Followed by those terrible words... 'Littles under 2 don't get to choose.'

     "What the actual crap?" He said under his breath. The whole page went that way. By the end he was only able to answer 3 questions. He looked at the mostly blank paper and sniffed a little. They really were just going to take all his choices away from him like that. He didn't get a say in anything that was about to happen in his life all because of a test... a test that was obviously flawed.

     After a few moments, he heard Tim behind him scream. He turned around and saw his face was completely red from anger. The front of his shirt had a wet stain on it. 'What are they doing back there?' He thought as he tried to see what was going on.

     "HI!" A voice next to him practically yelled. Gat jumped at the sudden sound and turned around quickly to see a boy standing in front of him. The boy was even shorter than him, if that was possible. "I'm Cole! And... And... I'm four!" The boy said with so much enthusiasm as he held up four fingers.

     "I'm Gatlin." He kept his voice normal. He wasn't about to start yelling or making his voice octaves higher like the other littles.

     "That's a cool name!" Cole jumped up and down slightly. "You look smart! Can you help me? Some of these words are really big." He held up the paper. It was covered with crayon drawings, but nothing was circled.

     Gat looked at the paper then back at the boy. He was in littlespace. "Sure." Gat said with a sigh.

     "Yay!" Cole sat down next to him and got really close. Way to close for comfort. "What... what this?" The boy said pointing to the first one.

     After they had finished the paper, Cole hugged Gat. "Tank you!" Cole practically yelled in his ear.

     Gat wasn't expecting the hug or the screaming. He went stiff from the contact, and he was sure he went deaf for a moment in his left ear. Cole let go and ran back to his own seat. "Well... that was interesting." Gat said to himself.

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