It Hits Him, Finally!

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     As soon as they pulled into the driveway, Gat woke up and looked around. He looked down and sighed when he saw he was giving the bear a death grip again. Looking at the bear, he suddenly thought he should name it, so he didn't keep calling it 'the bear.' That thought was shaken out of his head as quickly as he had it.

     'What's wrong with me?? Naming plushies now? No. I'm not gonna do it. Remember, stay strong. Don't slip. Next year I can re-take the test... be classified as a Neutral... and maybe see my dad again.' Gat missed his dad. Gat missed all of his family. Even if he really hadn't seen his grandparents in a while, they were still alive... as far as he knew, anyway. He wished he could have been given a phone number or something to stay in touch, but the government didn't even allow him that much. Did they do that with all Littles or just the ones they thought weren't being cared for 'properly'?

     "Let's go." Gat jumped a little when Tim was suddenly next to him. He let out a sigh and waited for Tim to get him out of the stupid seat. He knew how to get out himself, it didn't take a genius to know what buttons to push, the problem was that he was just too short. If he tried to get out of the car from the chair, he would faceplant into the ground for sure.

     As soon as they walked through the door, Tim grabbed his arm and led them upstairs. This was different. "What... what's going on?" Gat calmly asked.

     "I'm not failing this class just because I hate it." He said with a stern face. "I want you to give me all the paperwork they gave you and we're not gonna get yelled at again by that stupid bitch tomorrow."

     'He said 'we're' this time. Not 'I'm'. He's starting to change his wording... why is that?' Gat had been extra careful lately listening to what people said. The Dom's around him were using words more than actions to try and make him slip. If he wasn't careful, he could start to lose his mind.

     As soon as they made it upstairs, Gatlin got all of his Little paperwork together and gave it to Tim. Tim also got his Caregiver stuff together and set everything in two piles. Tim had been thinking about what Greg had said a lot on the way home. Even if he hated it, he was still in charge of a Sub now. He didn't want to fail this whole stupid class and mess up his opportunity to get re-tested next year.

     He dismissed Gatlin to go work on the days homework while he started with page one of the information. There was a lot more than he thought there'd be. He figured could skip the medical information again on Gatlin's chart. He really felt like he didn't need to know EVERYTHING about him. He just needed to know enough to pass this semester.

     So, the first thing he decided to read was the questionnaire they had them fill out yesterday. He pulled out the paper and started to read it over. He immediately noticed Gatlin's penmanship. He expected it to be big, clunky letters that went far beyond the line given and all the words to be spelled wrong. But to his surprise, they were neat and small. Every word had been spelled correctly. It was a pleasant surprise; he didn't mind reading this over since it was so clear and easy to read.

     Favorite animal: I don't know... a tiger, I guess.

     Favorite color: Blue or green

     Favorite food: Steamed vegetables and grilled chicken ('Vegetables? Really? And Grilled chicken? Not processed chicken nuggets.' Tim was finding this questionnaire interesting already.)

     Favorite toy: N/A ('He actually wrote n/a? He knows what that means right?' Tim continued to read down the list)

     Best Friend: N/A (Tim looked at that and wondered if the boy had any friends. He didn't remember seeing anyone talk to him the last two days. Maybe it was because Tim was with him, and his friends might have been too scared to walk up to them. But then he thought about it more. He didn't remember ever seeing Gatlin before. Was he a recent transfer student? If he was, why was his locker covered in graffiti?)

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