[ 9 ] Keep him calm Pt. 2

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I rested my head against the window looking out. As we drove further and further away from school, I couldn't stop from asking

"Where are we going?" Drew glanced at me warily before responding vaguely but firmly

"I need you to do something" I looked at him, waiting for more of an explanation but he just sat there, so I pushed sighing and asking

"Do what Drew?" He glanced at me once again before clenching and unclenching his fists as if preparing himself for what he was going to say next. I waited but I wasn't prepared for his answer nor do I think I ever would be if he asked me months from now or even years.

"I need you to calm Alpha Ryder down"


Chapter 9:

Katerina's POV:

My eyes widened. To the point where they could not widen any more.

"What..what are you...why?" I whisper, trying to decipher why he would think that I would be the best for the job. He looked at me with a 'really' look on his face.

"You know why" he replied, as if the answer was obvious. I swallowed nervously and looked around the car for an escape. How did he know these things?

"Unless you're planning on jumping out of a moving car to only be dragged back in here, I would suggest just taking a deep breath and calming down" he replied smoothly, already knowing where my thoughts were going. My eyes found his again before I whispered

"You're crazy...you...you can't take me to him! What makes you even think I can calm him down! He's going to kill me!" By the end of my ramble, my voice raised in a scared shout of defiance. He glanced at me before stepping in the gas pedal harder, making me slam into the back of my seat.

"I highly doubt that" he whispered as if to himself. I gripped the chair in fear

"Drew! Take me back!" I shouted. He completely ignored me.

"Drew! What happened to 'stay away from me?'...what happened to all of that! ..actually better question, what was that back in the cafeteria? And why exactly is he mad?" I questioned, hitting him in the arm when he wouldn't even look at me. He narrowed his eyes, before saying slowly as if trying to understand the right words.

"What did I tell you? ...I said he knew...and look what he did to me because you grabbed my arm..." He paused looking at me as if he were afraid not only for himself but for the whole darn world.

"Today with Jack...that's...that's a whole other story" he finished. My breathing hitched. Oh my god, I'm going to die...this is it...this is how I go. At the hands of my mate all because some dumb jackass decided today was the day to mess with me. I rubbed a hand down my face before looking at Drew. By the look on his face though, I could tell that we were close to Ryder's house and it was his look that made me hyperventilate.

"Drew..." I whispered pleadingly. I'm not sure whether it was for him to give me comfort that he won't kill me or whether it was for him to take me back to school. Before I could really decipher what my thought patterns were doing, we pulled up to a house. A modernised 2 story home...scratch that it looked like a villa...like a damn village could live here.

I gulped as the car turned off and we both stayed still for a moment before hesitantly slipping out of the doors. I rubbed my hands together nervously as Drew walked me up to the door.

"I...I can't go in with you" Drew whispered quickly, freezing at the door. I spun around and snagged his arm in my grasp and he winced. I glanced at his arm. Oh. I slowly let go but still got closer to him.

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