[ 16 ] Heat of the moment

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"Hey, it's ok...it's ok" I whisper to him, trying to convince him that i'm fine. His jaw clenches having felt the power of the mate bond. Brody grabs my arm again, trying to get me to follow him and quickly. I looked back at my mate, kissing him lightly on the cheek, feeling him shudder. Just as I lift myself off of his lap, he grips my arm making me face him again.

"If you do not come back to me, I will tear this world apart looking for you" He harshly whispers the words to me but I felt the power and the promise behind them. I nod before squeezing his hand tightly for a second before letting Brody drag me away.

Just before we walked out the door, I glanced back at the man I call my mate, sitting there on the ground, fists clenched and I shivered as his eyes made eye contact with mine. His eyes held promise. But it wasn't just that, his eyes held rage.


Chapter 16:

Katerina's POV:

Having just been marked, walking away from Ryder was proving to be the hardest thing to do right now. It wasn't just a clenching in my stomach, it like this overwhelming ache throughout my whole entire body and It just seemed to be getting worse.

"Brody" I whispered. He looked back at me, pain filling his eyes at the look of me

"I know sis...I know" I looked down at my feet as he continued to lead me away. I could still feel the aftermath of him marking me. It was like an out of body experience. I couldn't fulling comprehend all that was happening around me. It was like all I could think about was him. His body, his voice, his entire being. All of it called to me, like a siren. But i'm guessing this is what usually happened after your mate marks you. Then it hit me. I didn't mark him yet. I bit my lip as I glanced back up at Brody.

"Why did dad tell him?" He swallowed before letting out a sigh and replying

"I don't know...I really don't...but i'm going to get to the bottom of this...I promise" I nod at him before thinking about Ryder again.

"What are they going to do to him?" Brody paused, not knowing what to say. He opened his mouth multiple times but nothing came out. He finally stopped in front of my room, letting me go back inside and just as I walked through, he whispered

"I don't know" and then he closed the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Healthy right?


"Katerina" I heard someone's voice shocking me from the little amount of sleep I was just getting. I groaned

"Really I was only just getting to sle-....Dad?" He stood over my bed, looking down at me with a blank expression. Once getting over the shock at actually seeing him here, I sat up slowly.

"How could you?" I whispered out to him. He clenched his jaw before looking back at me and rubbing his jaw

"I had to" I gaped at him. Looking at this man that I called my father

"Who are you?" He closed his eyes, tight but I continued

"I don't know who you are anymore...you did this to me?! TO ME!" He blew out at breath before firing back

"You don't know what you're talking about Kat!" I flung my blankets up, pacing around getting angrier by the second.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT!?" He growled at my act of disobedience.

"Don't talk to me like that Katerina!" I know I should've surrendered but being who I am, I couldn't. Not to him.

"Or you'll do what!?" I breathed heavily before continuing

"Huh? You gonna call him ? CAUSE YOU ALREADY DID THAT! what? Wanna try something else? destroy my life even more?! what?? YOU GONNA TAKE MY MATE AWAY FROM ME LIKE YOU TOOK MUM AWAY!" It happened so fast, I couldn't even prepare myself. The back of his hand made contact with mine and I fell to the floor in shock and pain. Tears fell out of my eyes I raised my hand to my cheek. 

"You kno- you know nothing" He whispered and I saw tears glaze over his face, his voice breaking near the end. I swallowed, looking up at him from my crouched position. He walked over to the door pausing just before walking out

"I'm sorry" and he closed the door.

And I cried. I cried for my mate, for myself but mostly my dad. I didn't mean anything I said about mum. I just got so upset with him and I couldn't stop myself. The words flew out in the heat of the moment. I continued to sob on the ground, as I heard the door opening again. 

"Kat" I looked up at Brody and once he saw my face, I rushed to my side and held me as I cried until sleep overtook me.


A/N you hate me I know

but please

VOTE/COMMENT and all that jazz x

Little taste of some backstory 

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