[ 18 ] Let me explain

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A/N you hate me, I really do know. I've been so slack and i'm so so so so sorry. I've just literally had no motivation and no ideas to write. I've been stuck and i've wanted to write something good for you guys.

So enjoy


"Who hurt you darling?" My breath stuttered out of me as I closed my eyes before re-opening them, the tears now falling freely at the memory of my dad.

Ryder was having none of that. He brought me closer to him, kissing each and every tear away.

"No, no, no ...no crying ok. Please" I gulped at his words as he wrapped me back into his embrace. I breathed in his scent greedily, my crying turning into sobs.

"My father"


Chapter 18

Katerina's POV:

He froze. I felt every bone in his body lock and I bit my lip, tears still flowing down my eyes. A menacing growl was beginning to stem up inside of his chest and I buried my face into him trying to use physical contact to calm him down. His arms tightened around me and he gritted out through his teeth down at me.

"Where is he?" My hands instantly inched onto his arms, gripping them to make sure he wouldn't leave and hunt down my father.

"Calm down. There's a lot more to the story" He shut his eyes tightly, taking large gulps of my scent before bowing slightly and taking my face into his hands.

"You need to explain"


He was sitting on my bed, arms resting on his powerful legs, waiting for me to explain. I had asked everyone to let us talk alone, but I know Brody and Chris are downstairs waiting and listening if something happened. My mate wouldn't hurt me, I knew that for certain. 

I paced, trying to find a perfect way to explain things so he wouldn't lose control, but I was at a loss. Especially with him so close to me, his enticing scent overcoming my entire being. I could feel his anger building within him, but he was holding it at bay for my sake. I was grateful.

"The first thing you need to know is that it was mostly my fault" I spoke quietly and quickly. His fists tightened, whitening. Obviously he wanted to argue with that point. I swallowed before continuing on

"I'm not saying that he didn't have fault because he cl- I'm getting off point. I said some things that really upset him...things that I didn't really mean" His head bowed and he took a deep breath before looking up at me, eyes showing a pleading motion.

"Come here" He spoke gruffly, one of his arms outstretched. I swallowed and walked slowly towards him, my hands rubbing together awkwardly. I stood in front of his seated body and his left hand hesitantly reached out and grabbed my leg, pulling me slightly closer.

"I just...I need you closer" I nodded down at him as his other hand grabbed onto my other leg. He wasn't pulling me or anything, he just kept contact between us. I continued on.

"I was already emotional after...you marking me," He rumbled in approval hands slightly tightening, "And after being taken away...m-my-my father came to see me" I paused and his arms came around my waist and he buried his face into my stomach. I brought my hands up and rubbed his shoulders, continuing on.

"And things got out of hand, he didn't mean to hit me, I provoked him. But it doesn't excuse what he did, I know that. But I am accepting some fault" He took harsh breaths and his hands tightened and un-tightened around my waist. I know he was trying his hardest to not freak out and go all Alpha rampage mode.

"It just all happened so fas-" He cut me off by grabbing my hands on his shoulders.

"Can we stop talking about it" He looked up into my eyes before saying "Please". I nodded and he let go of my hands before grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap, forcing my legs to straddle him. His hands caressed my cheek before he smoothed out my hair. I closed my eyes at the intense feeling that were flooding my system. My hands gripped the hem of his shirt and I shuffled closer to him. I opened my eyes and his were locked on my hands, before his eyes drifted up to mine, a smile pulling onto his face.

"You kissed me" My cheeks flushed and I looked down, before stammering

"Um...yeah..I uh...um" He chuckled lightly at my reaction my body erupted into goosebumps at the sound. His eyes darkened at my reaction to him and I bit my lip subconsciously. His eyes locked onto that movement and one his arms bandaged around my hips locking me to him and keeping me from moving and the other raised to my face, pulling my lip from its lock with his thumb. I shivered, and our eyes locked. 

Heat blazed between us and the electricity burning was so thick, you could cut through it with a pair of scissors. My breath came out unevenly and I raised my own hand to his face, tracing his features. His eyes closed at my touch quickly before he looked up at me through lidded eyes. My hand continued its journey down his body while my eyes stayed connected to his. My hand stopped at the middle of his chest as I felt the beat of his heart. I became mesmerized by it. My eyes drifted down where my hand was and he let out an uneven breath. I dont know what it was but just the sound of his heart, his life force captured all of my attention.

Our hearts were in sync. 

I swallowed harshly at my discovery and looked up at him with dazed eyes. His breathing sped up and his eyes showed uncontrollable desire, for me. His hand suddenly latched onto mine that was on his chest and he pulled me forward, latching his lips onto mine. My entire being pulsed with energy as he passionately took my mouth in a toe-curling kiss. His hands sifted through my hair before reaching the back of my neck and pulling me impossibly closer. My hands gripped his shirt as he tilted his head and licked my bottom lip, his intentions clear. My hands shook as they slid around his neck and I hesitantly opened my mouth for him. He groaned in approval and his arms latched around my back squeezing any flesh he could get his hands on. As he found the hem of my shirt, his hands shifted until he was touching my bare skin. I shuddered against him.

Just as I felt we were going too fast, he understood and turned our lustful attack into a softer more gentler embrace. He gave me one last kiss before pulling away slightly, resting his head on mine and looking into my eyes.

"You're mine" A small smile took over my lips and I nodded at him.


A/N well there you go

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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