[ 4 ] This is going to be harder then I thought

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A/N Hiya!!

Back again!...Anyways....Enjoy!

p.s the song on the side isn't to do with the story, just really love that song



"Lets go to mine" I pleaded once again as Chris's eyes met mine.

"Like hell" I heard him growl out. It was so quiet, I was sure I would've been the only one that heard it. I heard Chris's sigh of reluctance and I felt him grasp my shirt in his hands, fighting between pulling me back to him and just keeping me there.

"We should go" I heard his friend say to him.

We still don't even know his name! I heard Ruby growl. She was getting frustrated with me, I could tell. But I think most of her frustration was because she knew we shouldn't go there with him. Chris's eyes showed defeat and he took a step backwards. Before I could walk with him towards my car, I felt my mate's hand grasp my shirt tightly, slightly pulling me back an inch. He took a deep inhale, intaking my scent and I felt his body relax. He let go of my shirt and I slowly walked towards my car, making sure that Chris was heading to his car as well. I hopped up into the drivers seat but glanced behind me quickly. He was still standing there, in the middle of the carpark, following my every move. I snapped my eyes back to the front and started my car, feeling pain with every metre I was travelling.

Why did things have to be like this?

We hadn't even had a proper conversation yet and I already felt the bond and let me tell you, it sure was strong. I literally felt like I was going to go crazy with how strong it seemed to be, and I knew that it could only get worse.


Katerina's POV

"So are you going to tell me what that was about or what?" I questioned Chris. He was currently sitting on my bed and occupying himself with his phone. He hasn't said a word or even looked me in the eye since when we were at school, and let me tell you, it was getting very frustrating.

"Chris!" I said, a bit louder while pushing his shoulder to get him to look at me. He swallowed nervously and glanced away, suddenly finding the wall much more interesting. I rolled my eyes, waiting for him to speak.

I got sick of waiting.

"CHRIS REDFORD! What were thinking starting a fight with someone from the Dark Moon Pack?! If you don't start talking, so help m-" 

"What did I do?!! I didn't do anything, thank you very much. I was chasing after you and then Ryder just came out of no where and started me!!!" He replied. I sat there dumb-founded. He started a fight with Chris? Then I processed what he said

Ryder. My mates name was Ryder. I felt a shiver roll down my back like a delicious wave just at the sound of his voice. 

Sexy name for my sexy mate. Ruby purred. I swallowed, inwardly nodding in agreement. As I was thinking of his sexy, greek adonis face, I stopped in my tracks. 

"That's Ryder!? Ryder King, Ryder!? As in Alpha, Ryder?" I blabbered out. Chris narrowed his eyes at me and scoffed, replying with bitterness

"Yes, that's him and he's a Class A ass" I gulped down my sudden urge to smack Chris in the face for saying such a thing. My eyes widened slightly as the strong urge to defend my mate started increasing to the point of discomfort because I wasn't doing anything.

"Why did he stop you?" I asked quietly, trying to shake the protective thoughts from my mind.

"How am I supposed to know. One second i'm running out the school, screaming your name and then the next minute he's in front of me growling at me as if telling me to back off. And that's another thing. Back off? From freaking what? I don't even know what I was doing wrong!!!" Chris continued to complain and blabber on about Ryder but my mind drifted.

Just talking about him made my breathing increase. I combed my hands through my hair, frustrated and annoyed. I couldn't have a mate. I just couldn't. It would complicated things way too much. But even though we only just met, it was so hard to stay away from him or just to simply tell my self to stop thinking about him. I let out a soft sigh of defeat and turned back to Chris who was still complaining.

This was going to be harder then I thought.


*That Night*

I trudged out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped tightly around me. I walked towards my closet, slipping on a black singlet and some red booty shorts. I laid down on my bed and sighed about the day I had. Why did life have to be this way?

The slight discomfort that I felt from being away from him and from not properly knowing my mate has gradually increased to a dull ache. Ruby whimpered within me and I felt myself in pain from making my wolf sad. Despite what you think about wolves, she is my other half. Always has and always will be. And when she's upset, I automatically get upset. I understood why she was feeling like this but we couldn't...we....just couldn't.

Dark Moon Pack. He just had to be from that pack as well. Their old Alpha was known to be ruthless from losing his mate and wife. He didn't have a filter, he couldn't feel remorse or empathy. And Ryder being his son couldn't be that far off. Apparently, after a couple of years of his father being Alpha, he started going insane from the loss and he had been endangering his pack. He finally decided to step down and let his son take over, I guess it was just becoming too much for him.

Wait. If the stories are true about the Dark Moon Pack, that would mean that Ryder...is 22. Wait, then why was he at school? Oh he must've been there to enroll some of his pack members. But then why did he stick around? A small part of me hoped it was because of me. I scoffed at my thoughts and shook my head to regain my thoughts. He was an Alpha. My Mate was an Alpha. 

Just great.


Filler Chapter...Sorry for the late update as well

Im so bad at updating...sorrrrryyyy

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