Chapter 1

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I did nightmares all summer. Alone in my bedroom all the weeks. I was trying to take off my pain, but nothing worked...
Amy was in vacation with my parents for all summer. Yes, they left me here in my bedroom without anything to eat. I commanded pizza every night. I think that I took 10 pounds but anyway, who cares? Everyday I was like " Hannah what are you doing to yourself!" but nothing changed. I think that I never get out of my pyjama and I never went outside.

Today, it's the first day of my secondary 5. The most important year or all my life. Maybe everybody had forget what happened last year? Maybe.

-Wake up Hannah, wake up, said Amy
-Ok, ok. Keep calm Amy. It's only 7:00, I answered
-Hannah, it is not 7:00, it's 7:02, she said
-Oh my god 2 minutes more! A big difference!, I said
-Whatever, wake up right now, we are leaving in 1 hour

I got out of my bed and I looked at me in the mirror. It seems like a big elephant who slept all summer. I was looking like poop. Seriously like poop. I opened my closet. Everything was too small! I had nothing to wear. After 10 minutes, I found a flower skirt and simple white T-shirt. I put on my black baskets and I was ready, but it's only what I thought... When I arrived in the bathroom, I was at 2 cm to do an heart attack! I was really scaring... I brushed my hair really fast and I did a French's braid. I put corrector and a little bit of mascara. I took a red lipstick and I applied it really fast. I went downstairs and I realized that it was only 7:45. I had freaking 15 minutes left! I think that I will take a big breakfast... I took two toasts with peanut butter and a glass of orange juice. Now that I have food, why not enjoy this moment?

-It's time to go girls, said my mother Christina
-Ok, I'm coming mommy, I said
-Hannah, stop calling me mommy, call me Christina
-Hum, ok... S'cuse me, I told her
-I'm coming too mommy, Said Amy
-Ok beauty, Said Christina
-Ok, she can call you mommy but I can't? What the hell is that!?
-Honey, it's just because she is my favourite, don't care about that!

You can't imagine how I could be angry! She clearly show that I was not her favourite but now she is freaking saying it to me and she tells me not to care about it! Oh my god! I can't believe it!

When we entered in the car, it had a big silence. Nobody were talking. Like everytime, I was sit in the back listening to my music without saying one word. Amy texted her best friends and my mother was driving her car quietly. I had a flashback of all of those moments last year. It was the worst year of my life. I also remembered that I have not friends at all and that everyone is hating me. I couldn't change school because of my parents. They didn't want. They never understood all my pain. All those lies. William Frame changed school because et his attitude. It's a little relief but he was not the only one that bullied me. Justin, Marc, John, Sarah, ect.
Everybody were against me.

When we arrived in front of the school, everybody were waiting for me... When I got out of the car, every single person shouted :"Hey little bitch! Who is the next boy ?" I began to cry. I thought that it was finish... That this rumour will disappear. But no, it is there. Amy is not the girl who will try to stop people. She will only try to assure me that everything is correct after...

-Bitch! Bitch! What are you doing? Why you are crying? It's the first day of secondary 5! You need to be happy! Hahahaha, said Justin
-Oh and you stay close to your mommy! Wow you are really a strong girl!, said John

I passed through this people and I tried to enter in the school. Sarah blocked me.

-Sarah, please. Can you go away from me?, I said
-Hahahaha, it's a joke? I will never get away from you.
-Ok, but can I pass?
-Yes, sure, she answered

I started to walk but she made me fall down face first on the ground... Everybody began to laugh really loud. I finally get up and I opened the principal door. I entered and I cried my life. How they can be that bad with me? I am lucky that William isn't there anymore... I hope it's only the first day that everybody is like that. I went to my locker but before that I put my books, I saw a tall boy at his locker. I don't know him. I think that he his new. No, I don't think, he is new. He is cute but I don't understand why he is not with the other students outside. He doesn't seems really interesting by me. He has brown hair, but I don't see his eyes. He wears a black jean skinny with a red T-shirt. He seems really gloomy. You know a dark boy really mysterious. I walked to him really slowly.
-Hi, I said
He looked at me like a was an alien.
-Hum, hi, he said
-What is your name?
-Jacob and you?
-Hannah, I answered
-Hannah Fields?
-Yes, how do you know?
-You know, people talk, and I heard a lot about you... You know what you did last year, He said
-It's not exactly what I did... Do you know who is William Frame?
-Yes, it's the boy that you abused of...
-Ok, I'm not going to explain you all of the story but if you trust me, I can say that I didn't abused of him, he abused of me, I told him
-I will not necessary trust you because it has a video but if you want me to trust you, I am going to try, Jacob said
-Ok... What is your first period? I have maths.
-It's maths to, he said
-Cool, so you are in the 152?
-Yes, ok I will go with my friends, he said
-Ok but who are your friends?
-John, Marc, Justin and Yoan, he answered
-A ok bye, I said

Ok, another that I can't trust! If he is friend with John, Justin and Marc, it's sure that he is against me. I can trust nobody...
And now, it's sure that I will never forget what happened last year, they are all freaking remember it to me!

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