Chapter 13

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During the ride, Jacob and Cassy asked me so much questions, that I lost every answers.

"are you fine?",
"What did he do to you?",
"Tell me everything!"

I know that it's normal that they ask me those questions but I just want to get out of this world. I want to see the flowers again without seeing them dying after. I want to look at me in the mirror and say, "Hey, you, Hannah Fields, are a strong and beautiful woman." I just want my one's life back moment to happen. I can't live with this anymore and no one earn to live it. Even bitches and bad people, because we all have a heart and sometimes, we can be reasonable. SOMETIMES....!

For all of the ride, I was in Cassy's arms, hugging her. She missed me a lot and I really needed a hug. Words are nice, but I couldn't ask more than this hug. It's comforted me and, and, it's just what I wanted. I don't know in what direction my life will go, but I need to move on. It will be extremely difficult but I need to do it. If I don't, I will always be scared, scared of everything but you know, I'm not, not bad... Am I?

I don't know what to do with my life. Do those things will always happen to me? I hope not because if it is, I'm not going to hold on all of this time. Surviving would be impossible. Just impossible.

After 20 minutes of car, we finally arrived at my house. It seems like my parents and Amy were back of their trip... This is abnormal... It looks like they were warned about my kidnapping...Who informed them? Another question without answers.

We got out of the car. Jacob took me in his arms because of my leg. It cured a little bit, but it stills hurting. I don't think that I need to go to the hospital, but it is always a possibility. It's all open, but the scar starts to appear. Yes, another scar... Anyway, we will see with my parents...

It's sure that the police will come to ask me a lot of questions about what happened, but I need a little bit of time to regain my mind and my emotions. I know that I shouldn't, but I need to think a little more about what happened. To just, just understand what is going on. I lived something no sense, a disaster.

We knocked at the door. I was scared of seeing my family again. My parents are not people that I enjoy passing time with, and Amy, she doesn't have the same goal of me. Her only goal is to be accepted by our family and unfortunately, I'm not in the same situation as her. I can't trust her or even pass time with her because the only bad thing that I will do, she is going to tell it to my parents for being more accepted. This is how it works with my family and actually, this is really unfair and nonsense.

After 10 seconds, my mother, or Christina, opened the door.

-Hannah! She hugged me

-Hi, Christina...

-Why are you calling me like this? She said

-Because you told me to do it about two weeks ago... I said

-Forget this, I did an error, more than one error, a thousand. I realized what I did you and what you could live and now, I am 100% with you. We are going to beat them. Hahahaha. She laughed

She doesn't take this seriously, really not. At least, she realized what she did me but, I don't think that she really did it... She didn't even ask me how I was, my feelings, what happened. I HAVE THE WORST MOTHER YOU CAN EVER HAVE! She is, grrrr... I don't have words to explain how I hate her! She laughed in my face, after what happened for 2 days! I was hurting, I was thirsty, hungry, exhausted, but she didn't care about that... No, she didn't.

Then, my father and Amy went downstairs. When Amy saw me, she ran and hugged me. It was good to hug her, even if I am not in good relation with her. She is still my sister and I need her to live, more than my mother, and my father, and the rest of my family. Fields family=BIG SHIT. Just BIG SHIT.

-Hannah, are you okay, what happened? Do you need help, do you want me to call the 911?

-No, I'm alright.

-Hey! What did you do? You little, little plague! You are in trouble for another time, with the police! The police, did you hear me? Stop playing this mercy game because it's not going to work with me! STOP! My dad yelled.

-But, it's not my fault! I said

-Shut up! It's more than your fault! You created your own shit and you are going to stay with it, for the rest of your life, and don't count on me to help you. You are a wrong kid, you should not exist!

I began to screamed, cried, do everything in my power to get out my pain and my angry. Everybody was looking at my father like he was a monster, and I think that he is. I don't believe how he can be bad just a discusting person! He is cruel with his own kids! I hate him! I hate my life, everything! People are bad with me, and they will never stop. It's my destiny.

Jacob took me in his arms and he brang me to the car.

-She's not going to stay with you, you are such all bad people! Jacob said to my family

-You can't do this! We don't even know who you are! You can't bring my daughter away with you! My dad said

-I don't care! Come Cassy. Jack said

-OK. She said

-You are not leaving with my daughter no! Christina said

but it was too late. We were already in the car, leaving from this hell. And now, I am with people that I love, in security.

-Don't worry, we will buy you a new room, with new clothes and everything because you are not returning there. Cassy said

-No, no, no, it's too much, I don't deserve this and I don't want the two of you to pay for anything that concern me. I said

-We are going to do it. You deserve it more than anyone and don't worry you are not going back in this hell. So, stop complaining and enjoy the news.

-OK, I don't know how I will be able to thank you after what you did for me. You are the best boyfriend and the best friend that anybody can have. I love you. I said, kissing Jacob.

-We love you too Hannah, they said

I will never forget how thankful I could be and how those people are amazing.

Never forgetOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant