Chapter 2

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I was the first ready for the math period. Jacob was here too and everybody started to enter in the class. Our teacher is mrs. Frame, the mother of William. She hates me more than anything and it's sure that I will not pass my maths because of her... I don't feel Jacob but i'm not sure in what team he is. I tried to say hi to everyone but they were all talking against me. I finally saw Ashley entered in the class. I gave her a smile but she looked at me really badly. I don't understand how she could left me alone in that situation. I just want her to know the truth but she doesn't seem interested about it.

-Dear students, welcome back at school! I'm mrs. Frame and this year I will teach you maths. I will take the absence. Sarah ?
-Justin ?
And she named everyone like this except me..
-Mrs. Frame?
-You didn't name me.
-It's because everybody knows that the bitch is here! Hahahaha
-Hahahahahaha, laughed everybody

It's sure, she hates me. I don't know why everybody trusted William! He is the worst liar in the world! Oh my god! I will cry. All my life. I can't live with this people!

After that the bell rang, everybody set up and they all went to their second class except me and Jacob. Even mrs. Frame left the class. I began to talk to him.

-Yes Hannah?
-Do you really trust your friends?
-Hum, I don't know, he said
-If you trust me, I will tell you the truth but if you don't, I will not talk to you anymore, I said
-Because, I need someone that I can trust and be able to tell the truth without be scared. But do you trust me?
-Yes, I trust you.
-Ok, here is the true story

I told him every single details about that weekend and about last year. I don't know if I can trust him because his friends are my worst enemies. I hope he is in my team but I'm not sure... I just want to pray but it's a little bit awkward to do this in class!

-Can you give me the day to think about it and after I will tell you in what team I am, he said
-Ok, I need to go in art, bye

The art teacher is mrs. Colin. She is a really cool teacher but actually, I don't think that she will be nice with me. I am not with the 152 because I am in the special art class. This class is for people that have talent in drawing and want to be better. Actually, I am good in drawing so it's the reason why I am in this class. Ashley is here too because oh my gosh... She is totally the best drawer that I saw in my life! You can ask her anything, she is able to do it.

-Hi ! I'm Cassy, the new art professional. What is your name?

I returned really fast. A tall blond girl with blue eyes was standing beside me with her notes. She looked like a special girl, really special girl. I think that she is nice but i'm not sure. It's the first time that somebody talk to me nicely and that don't know my name. Ok, I really don't understand what is happening right now.

-Hum, Hi. I'm Hannah Fields. You don't know me?
-Oh yes I know you but I need to be really nice with everybody ! Welcome to the art class!
-Are you new?
-Yes i'm new but seriously, who cares! Every single person heard about your story. Excuse me but, how could you be that... Hum.... That...
-That bitch?
-Euh... It's not really what I wanted to say but ok...
-Can we change the subject please?
-Ok, so what are you able to draw?
-My specialty is to draw people and landscapes, I said
-Nice! Can you draw me a beach with the sea ?
-Yeah, sure, I said

I started to draw the beach with people. I had no inspiration for something beautiful because all of my mind was dark. Dark of pain and insults. Last year, I began to believe in all of the insults... This year, I need to get one's life back and to stop thinking about that. The only problem is that everybody remember me this year of poop. I don't know how I will get through this but first of all, I need to have a friend and I think that Jacob could be a good friend, or not. It depends of his answer. Do he trusts me or not?

I finally finished my draw and it was not that bad...

-Yes Hannah?
-I finished my draw. Excuse me I didn't do my best because you know with last year I have a lot of darkness in me...
-It's ok, now you can go to lunch.
-Ok thank you, bye

I'm sure that she is not sincere because seriously, who can be that nice with me...? I can't trust Cassy, this is actually really sure.

At lunch, I tried to sit beside Ashley but our conversation was not like I expected...

-Hey Ashley, I said
-What do you want bitch?
-Hum, talk to you, be your friend, just be like before...
-Ok, you really think that I want to be your friend after what you did to William? Are you kidding me?
-Ashley! I did nothing to William! He abused of me! Why you don't trust me? With all of these years of friendship you are freaking leave me there without having a little bit of mercy! Oh my god! I can't believe it. Nobody love me even my freaking parents and now you don't want to talk to me even if you know that I did nothing at all!
-Hello bitch! It has a freaking video so it's sure that you did it! You didn't realize that? I will not change my mind Hannah. Me and you, it's finish.
-If you want...

I have nothing to do, she will never forget what I supposedly did.

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