Chapter 9

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Tonight, it's Justin's party. I chose my outfit yesterday night because I was pretty exicted. I don't know why I am exicted, I don't feel this party. I think that something bad is going to happen. Justin is not really loving me and nobody there love me except Jacob and Cassy. I chose a pink tight dress with white high heels. I will also wear a white bracelet and a white necklace. My hair will be curl and I will have normal pearl errings. I hope that my look will be enough cute for Jacob and that I will not look like a shit. Cassy called me at 1:00 p.m.

-Hannah! I don't know what to wear! Everything is not nice and ugly and disgusting and grrr! Cassy panicted

-Cas, breathe two seconds, you have the time to find something perfect for tonight. Why everything is ugly? You have magnificient clothes and you have a lot of style! You're extremely beautiful and you need to know it! Why are you not puting your black dress with black high heels? I said

-Because I am too fat for it! I don't fit in this dress, I took 5 pounds!

-It's clearly impossible Cassy! You never wore more than small! You're tiny as a, a, whatever.

-I can assure you that I am not fiting at all in this dress! What can I freaking put?

-Do you have any skirt? I said

-I think, wait a minute I will look.

It actually took her freaking 10 minutes. After this time I said:

-So, did you find something?

-Oh yes baby! I have a pretty little flash pink skirt and I have a nice black t-shirt and actually I have black high hells that I could wear with my outfit!

-You see, it was not complicated to find something to wear. You just needed to look a little bit more!

-Yes, you were right. Thank you so much Han, see you later.

-Bye, I said

Especially last year, I learned how to be responsible and to choose my things by myself. I think that this is really important to know this in a life of someone and I want to show her how she can does that. I received another text from this anonymous person.

"Don't care about tonight, everything is going to be alright, bitch. Ha Ha Ha"

This is freaking sarcastic! Does it mean that it would happen something bad tonight? I don't trust Justin and his party and seriously, this is not helping me.

Jacob took me at 5:00 p.m. and the party starts at 6:00 o'clock, but we need to go get Cassy before. When I entered in the car, he kissed me on the lips for like 30 seconds. His hands were hot and his hug emotional. His hair were on the side and his eyes were extremely intense. He was wearing a clean black pants with a grey T-shirt. He was really sexy! Wow..!

-Hey babe, he said

-Hi, what's up?

-Nothing, I am going to a party with my magnificent girlfriend and I want to kiss her all the night. By the way, your outfit is incredible! What about you?

-Me to, I go to a party with my cute boyfriend and I also want to kiss him all of the night. I love you bae, I said

-Love you too babe, he said. Are you scared anymore?

-Yes, really more than the other time...

-Why? What is it? Jacob said

I don't know if I will tell him. I know that I sward that I will never lie to him but, you know, it's difficult. I don't like to tell him things that is not important for him and also, I don't want him to care about me, or yes...

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