Chapter 5

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Jacob tried to talk to me all of the day but I ignored him. I don't want to tell him more about my scars because it's too personal and he doesn't earn those proves. I'm a little bit stress because I care that he will refused to bring me at school for the rest of the week. The only way that he could continue, it's that I show him my other scars but I don't want to do that! I can't! I don't know what to do...

At the lunch, I ate with Cassy. Seriously, she is more nice than Ashley. She is smart and she always listened to me. I really love her and I hope that I will not lose her like I lost Ashley. What is sure, it's that I will not lose her in the same situation that I lost Ashley.

-Hey Hannah!

-Cassy, I said

-What happened? Are you ok?

-Hum, not really, I said

-Why? Tell me everything! Is it with Jacob? Ashley? William? Who?

-It's with Jacob, I did a big mistake.

-What did you do? Oh my god Hannah! What happened?

-He saw my scar that is on my boob...

-Han! It's not a mistake, it's perfect! What did he do?

-He asked me if I had other scars but I got out of his car and I ran to my first class.

-Shit Hannah! Are you freaking kidding me ?!!

-What Cassy? I did the good choice! I don't want him to know about it, or everybody! It's personal. It's my choice.

-Hannah listen to me. Do you want to get out of this freaking situation? Because you do nothing to get out!

-Yes I want to get out of this but nobody trust me so why show them proves? They will laugh of me another time!

-I don't say that you need to show them to everybody but you need to show them to Jacob! He wants proves and if you give him proves, he is going to be on our side!

-Yes maybe... Can we talk about another subject? I hate to talk about my shit.

-Ok, what is your next class? Me it's philosophy... Do you like this because I think that it's more than boring !

-I have english. Oh my gosh, it's exactly what I think! It's really boring and Mrs. Jet is really strange...

-Oh yes! Do you have news from your family? Are they ok?

-No, nobody texted me or called me. I don't know what happen there and seriously, I don't really need news about them.

The bell rang. Everybody left their conversations to go in class.

-Ok bye Han!

-Bye Cassy, I smiled

Hiding my emotions is not easy... I always think about last year and with this anonymous message, I don't think that my life is going to be better... Maybe worse.

When I arrived in English, nobody was there even the teacher and I was 5 minutes late. I started to panic because normally, everybody had waiting for me, the bitch... I sat at my place for 2 minutes and after, I decided to get out of the class. All of my group was sit in the cafeteria laughing and joking. In my class, I have no friends. Cassy is in the 151 and she is my only friend. I could sit beside Jacob but I'm sure that he would continue to talk about my scars... I finally sat at a free table. I took my cell phone and I texted Cassy.

"All of my class is sit in the cafeteria, I think that the teacher is absent. I'm alone! Help me!"

"Oh shit! Ok, I come"

"What? How?"

She didn't answer me. After 20 seconds, she arrived, running like a tiger.

-What are you doing here?, I said

-You asked me to help you, so I came, Cassy said

-Oh my god, you're the best friend that someone could have!, I gave her a hug

-You too Hannah

-Thanks, but mrs. "Philosophy" will not be mad about you?

-Maybe. I don't care.


We stayed there all of the period talking about everything. Jacob texted me twice but I didn't answer. I don't freaking want him to know about my other scars but in the same time, I have no choice. I also need to know who sent me this text because it's always on my mind. I don't know who it could be but I'm more than sure that it's not William. He left school and he is certainly cheating in the back of another girl.

I was walking in the corridor and then, I saw freaking Jacob Robinson who was kissing Ashley ! Oh my gosh! I can't believe it! I ran to Cassy with tears in my eyes.

-Cassy! Cassy!, I screamed

-What the hell is happening Hannah! What the fuck is it?

-I saw... Jacob...

-Jacob what? Hannah tell me!

-Kissing Ashley, freaking kissing Ashley!

-And what is the problem here?

I didn't answer. I continue to cry in her arms really loud.

-Hannah! Oh my gosh! You are freaking jealous of Ashley! Do you feel something for Jacob?

I realized that it was true... I cried because I was jealous of Ashley. For all this time I had a feeling for Jacob. It's why I didn't want to lose him. How can I? All of this time it was on my mind!

-Hannah, are you in love with Jacob Robinson?

-Cassy, I am freaking in love with him! I cried

-This is really... I really didn't see that coming... What are you going to do?


-Stop crying right now and catch your breath. How much do you love him?

-I don't know... Maybe like, hum... 99% ?

-Ok so it's really serious. Do you think that he also has feelings for you?

-Cassy, do you really think that someone one day could have feelings for me after what they all think that I did? He kissed Ashley! How can he loves me? He loves Ashley, it's sure.

My breath calm down and I stopped to cry. I realize that I really need vacation, a week without seeing this people, even Cassy. I need a break to forget what happened because all summer I was thinking about that. Remembering myself all of this weekend without thinking of anything else. Eating pizza in my bed was the worst idea that I could have but it was the only way that I could live. Suddenly, I received a text from the same anonymous person: "So, you're jealous, bitch?" I restarted to cry.

-Hannah, what is it?

-I received another text.

-From the same anonymous person?


I showed her the text. What is sure is that it's somebody who is at school... Who saw me... But, Cassy and I were alone in the corridor... Who can it be? Oh my god! Who could it be? Who could it be?

I will forget one day. No, I will never forget.

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