Disney Yuu: Hurt Incantation

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Yuu's singular desire was to return home, yet they found themselves trapped in a strangely familiar yet distant world. Alongside two rather eccentric individuals and a talking weasel, Yuu was in the midst of a hasty escape, their pursuer a terrifying monstrosity. Despite the uncertainty of the threat, Yuu's sole focus was survival. Navigating through sharp turns and a narrowly avoided catastrophe, they left the beast trailing behind in their wake.

"Do any of you have a plan?" Deuce gasped for breath; his voice strained.

"We need to decide on a plan right now because that thing is closing in on us fast," Yuu responded urgently, pointing at the rapidly approaching monstrous figure. Deuce and Ace scrambled to conjure spells in haste, but their efforts only seemed to further enrage the creature.

"Are you kidding me?! It's still coming at us!" Ace exclaimed in frustration.

"Can either of you run or cast any more spells?" Yuu asked, determined to shield the two boys from harm. Whether possessing magic or not, Yuu was unwilling to let these students perish because of their association. In this world, Deuce and Ace had families to return to, while Yuu had no such ties. The thought briefly crossed Yuu's mind that perhaps if they sacrificed themselves, they might find a way home.

" Ooooooooogh...! Giiive it baaaaack...! " the monster's eerie voice echoed.

"It's gaining on us! We've managed to weaken it, but if we strike now, it's a fight for survival!" Deuce's tone turned resolute as he readied himself for an impending battle. In a swift motion, Deuce pushed Yuu behind him and Ace. Yuu's intended plan to sacrifice themselves for their companions was thwarted; even the rehearsed speech with dramatic pauses was left unsaid.

"Alright, let's just crush this thing. Deucey, try not to wet yourself," Ace declared with an air of arrogance, brandishing his wand confidently. As Yuu observed, they couldn't help but acknowledge the creature's stubborn resilience, even in its injured state.

"Same goes for you, Ace!" Deuce retorted, conjuring his cauldron spell—the newfound favorite in his limited repertoire.

"I'm going to show you why they call me Grim the Great!" proclaimed Grim, his words preceding a forceful blast of his signature blue flames.

Yuu yearned to contribute to the group's efforts, but the reality of their lack of magical ability held them back. Despite their affection for the ramshackle world, they found themselves in, it was clear that their normal human capabilities were meager in comparison to the feats of magic and prowess exhibited by their companions. Even the most basic magical defenses were beyond their grasp.

As the battle unfolded, a wave of horror washed over Yuu as the monster's assault struck Deuce and Ace. Death seemed imminent if Yuu didn't intervene somehow. Yet, an unconventional idea surfaced in Yuu's mind—what if they sang? It was an odd inclination, but the desperate situation called for unconventional measures. Clinging to this idea, Yuu began to hum the melody of the "hurt incantation" song, a tune known for its mystical effects.

During chaos and danger, Yuu's hopeful hum carried through the air, intertwining with the ongoing struggle against the monster. Whether this melody held any power remained to be seen, but Yuu could only hope that its mystique would somehow sway the tides of battle in their favor.

~ Wither and decay,

End this destiny.

Break these earthly chains

And set the spirit free. ~

A mesmerizing silence blanketed the scene as the notes of the song filled the air. Time itself appeared to halt, freezing the actions of both the boys and the pursuing monster. All eyes were now fixed on Yuu, the source of this unexpected intervention. The once fierce creature seemed to recoil in the presence of the enchanting melody, and an inky blackness oozed forth, encircling them all.

Yuu's unorthodox tactic had yielded results; music, it appeared, held a unique potency within this realm. However, the expressions of horror etched onto the faces of Ace and Deuce communicated more than surprise. It seemed that the effectiveness of the song wasn't the only thing unsettling them. Yuu made a mental note to inquire later about the source of their disconcertion—whether it was the act of singing itself or the mysterious black substance.

Gazing resolutely at the now-subdued monster, Yuu recognized that the time had come to seize the moment. Their companions' lives hung in the balance, and it was up to Yuu to deliver them from this perilous situation. With determination burning in their eyes, Yuu readied themselves to take down the monstrous threat and save their eccentric group from harm.

~ Take what has been hurt,

Grant them no mercy.

Bend and break the reins,

And set the spirit free. ~

As Yuu observed the encroaching black goo enveloping the monster and witnessed their friend's pain, the hauntingly soothing chords of the song resonated around them. Time was of the essence; Yuu recognized the urgency to conclude this ordeal before their companion's suffering deepened.

~ Grant them no mercy,

Bend and break the reins,

And set the spirit free,

The spirit free. ~

With a decisive gesture, Yuu extended their finger toward the creature. In response, an unseen force forced the monster beneath the suffocating black substance. The battle was reaching its conclusion, but before Yuu could fully relish the victory, darkness engulfed them, swallowing their awareness.

In time, consciousness returned to Yuu, accompanied by the sensation of Deuce's concerned grip. Slowly awakening, Yuu registered the sound of their name being shaken from Deuce's lips. As their vision sharpened, Yuu found themselves in the aftermath of the confrontation, where the danger seemingly subsided. It was a moment of relief and bewilderment, prompting questions about the power they had unwittingly harnessed and the consequences of their actions.

"Did we manage to defeat the monster?" Yuu inquired, struggling to rise with Deuce's supportive assistance.

Ace's grip on Yuu's shoulder tightened as he asked with a mixture of awe and concern, "Do you comprehend what you just unleashed?"

"Not entirely. I just had this thought that if..." Yuu began, their words interrupted by Deuce's interjection. "You invoked the Hurt Incantation."

"Yes, and what's the significance?" Yuu questioned, still grappling with the residual dizziness from the recent events.

Exchanging a glance, Deuce and Ace proceeded to unravel the intricate tapestry of ancient songs, their profound impact, and the enigmatic lore surrounding them. They delved into the knowledge that the deceased and royals possessed the most insight into these songs, yet even the royal families didn't possess the complete verses. Yuu's mind raced as they comprehended the gravity of the situation, knowing the entire song could make them a target for kidnapping or even death.

The explanation continued, detailing the unsettling physical changes that occurred upon invoking such songs: hair turning black and moving of its own accord, the withering of flowers and plants, and an eerie stillness blanketing the surroundings. Ace and Deuce's words seemed to blur together as they elucidated further, their explanations transforming into a distant buzz in Yuu's ears. Overwhelmed by the weight of this newfound knowledge, Yuu's consciousness faded, mind-numbingly retreating from the barrage of information.

"But that's the extent of what we know from the tale," Deuce confessed, his voice carrying a note of concern. "So, please, promise us that you won't ever invoke that song again."

Ace chimed in with a pragmatic edge, "Yeah, if you're planning on belting that out again, just give us a heads up so we can make a hasty exit."

Meeting Deuce's earnest gaze, Yuu offered a solemn nod of assurance. As their attention shifted to Grim, an odd spectacle caught Yuu's peripheral vision—a sight that left them puzzled. Grim nonchalantly consumed a black rock, as though it were the most ordinary thing in the world. Momentarily baffled, Yuu's mind raced to make sense of this odd behavior. In a realm where singing held arcane power and magical transformations were conceivable, perhaps even weasels consuming rocks wasn't entirely outside the realm of normalcy. It seemed that every aspect of this world had a touch of the extraordinary.

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