Octopus Pot and the Erasing of the Past - The Healing of a Heart

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Yuu's breaths came ragged and uneven, each one a struggle as they clung to the edge of consciousness. They fell backward into Ace's arms, their body shaking violently from the sheer weight of what they had unleashed. Ace's voice trembled with a mix of fear and bewilderment.

"Shit, Yuu, breathe. What did you do?" Ace's voice was desperate, his grip on Yuu trembling as he tried to hold them up. Yuu could feel their life slipping away, the terror in Ace's eyes mirroring the dread that consumed their own soul.

Yuu pointed weakly towards Azul, whose lifeless form was held precariously in Jade's trembling grasp. Their trembling fingers seemed to accuse, a stark reminder of the irreversible horror they had wrought.

"Breathe, breathe. Floyd is getting help. Just breathe," Jade's voice was a panicky refrain, a stark contrast to his usual calm and collected demeanor. But there was no calm to be found in the depths of this nightmarish abyss.

As Deuce rushed to assist Ace in stabilizing Yuu, the crimson hue of blood tainted the water around them. Ursula's warm and soothing voice whispered in Yuu's ear, a presence that had guided them through this descent into madness.

Yuu sighed once more, their gaze fixed on Azul, who continued to bleed out. The concern of their friends echoed in their ears as they took a determined step toward Azul, each footfall a reminder of their remorse and of the unspeakable darkness they had summoned.

"Yuu, where are you going?" Ace's voice was filled with dread, his heart pounding in his chest. "H-Hey! Henchman," Deuce's cries were a plea for reason, a desperate attempt to pull Yuu back from the abyss. "Yuu-What are you doing!" Jade's voice held a fear that bordered on terror.

Yuu sighed once more, their movements slow and heavy, every step weighted by the guilt that consumed them. With each agonizing step, they approached Azul's lifeless form, the ocean bearing witness to their terrible descent into darkness, a chilling testament to the irreversible horror they had unleashed.

Yuu's feeble plea hung in the air like a whisper from the depths of a tortured soul, each word punctuated by the gut-wrenching coughs that expelled blood into the suffocating darkness. The horrors of their actions loomed large, casting a long, inescapable shadow over their trembling form.

"You have done enough! Look at what happened when you chose to help!" Jade's voice was a thunderous condemnation, and his anger was a reflection of the unfathomable dread that gripped them all.

"I know, and I am sorry; please let me fix this mistake." Yuu's voice was a desperate plea, their trembling hand extending toward Azul's lifeless form as if it could somehow undo the unspeakable horrors they had unleashed.

"No! You're just going to do more-" Jade's words were swallowed by the oppressive darkness as Flotsam and Jetsam, their sinuous forms twisted with malevolence, swiftly seized him and dragged him away. Yuu sighed once more, a heavy, weighted sound that echoed through the abyss.

With an air of resigned determination, Yuu let the soft hum of The Healing of a Heart consume them. The eerie melody seemed to envelop them in a spectral shroud, a haunting reminder of their desperate struggle for redemption amidst the abyss of their own making. The ocean bore silent witness to their agony, a relentless echo of remorse and horror that refused to fade, a nightmare from which there was no awakening.

~ With the healing of a heart

The hillsides grow green.

The soil's rich and dark.

There's a clear running stream

And the past fades away.

With the melting of snow

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