Hoist the Colours: Book 3 starts.

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Yuu gazed at the study book spread out in front of them, their eyes scanning the familiar words. Grim, their ever-loyal companion, lay snoozing nearby. "The rules of the Queen of Hearts are as follows..." Yuu began to read aloud, though they knew these rules like the back of their hand. After all, the Queen of Hearts was none other than their beloved mother. Still, a quick review wouldn't hurt. Yuu let out a soft sigh, realizing that they had never been the studious type.

"Ugh, my head," Yuu muttered, a throbbing headache pulsating through their temples.

A warm, comforting voice chimed in, "My poor baby, here, have some tea." Their mother's presence filled the room as she gently placed a cup of warm black tea with milk on the desk in front of Yuu.

"Thank you, Mama," Yuu whispered gratefully as they took a sip of the soothing tea. Their parents now existed in a spectral form, invisible to all but Yuu and the boys who overblot It remained a mystery why these boys and Yuu's parents shared such a connection, but the students in this peculiar school seemed like distorted reflections of the people Yuu used to know. How long had Yuu been away? They contemplated asking Lillia for answers, but then again, it was Lillia.

"Mrrrghrow... The trick to tests... is if there are two choices... it's a trick question..." Grim muttered in his sleep, snoring softly between words. Yuu couldn't help but chuckle at their feline friend's humorous commentary before heading over to the bed.

"Rise and shine, Grim. Burning the midnight oil for last-minute studying?" Yuu asked with a playful grin as they gently shook Grim awake.

"MYAH! Don't startle me like that. You'll make me forget everything I've memorized! Today's the final day of exams, you know. I'm lucky that if you do poorly, my grade won't take a hit," Grim complained, still groggy from sleep.

Yuu let out another sigh, feeling the weight of the situation. "Grim, I understand these people, but they're not history and formulas from a distant past," Yuu said, their voice trailing off as they realized there was no one around to truly listen to their musings.




The test turned out to be surprisingly easy for Yuu, but then again, having seven souls in their head offering guidance on what to do and what not to do might raise questions about cheating. Yuu couldn't help but ponder whether their situation constituted cheating.

'My coconut, you weren't cheating. You merely took advantage of a loophole,' their mother's reassuring voice chimed in within their thoughts.

'Indeed, and you must pass. Our collective pride couldn't bear such a blow,' their father added, offering a more pragmatic perspective. Yuu shook their head, amused by the voices in their head, before returning to their reading.

"The test is over, students. Put your pens away and submit your answer sheets like obedient little pups. With that, I believe our exams have concluded," Crewel announced.

"YEAAAH!" A cacophony of voices erupted from the students around Yuu, eager to be done with the ordeal. Yuu couldn't help but wince; they were definitely going to have a headache after this.

"Down! SIT! Don't start celebrating just yet. Any misbehaving students who perform poorly in their exams... will be required to attend mandatory remedial lessons over the winter holidays. Consider yourselves warned. Class dismissed," Crewel declared sternly, her words dampening the students' celebratory spirits as they filed out of the room and into the hallway.

Yuu joined the trio as they exited the classroom. "Whew, FINALLY. It's over!" Ace exclaimed, visibly relieved.

"I gave it my absolute best. Now all that's left is to wait for our scores," Deuce added optimistically.

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