The King fight part 2; Zero to Hero

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The battle concluded in a manner reminiscent of the Riddle's defeat, as the sandy sky gradually transformed into a pristine, clear blue expanse. However, unlike Riddle, Leona showed no signs of desiccation. Yuu comprehended the true reason behind this anomaly. "Did you orchestrate that, Dad?" Yuu inquired within their thoughts.

"It was a minor effort, just a basic preservation spell. Fortunately, the world still retains knowledge of it, even if its inhabitants have let it slip from memory. Although, I'm afraid attempting the preservation spell again might consign us to an eternal existence as specters," their father replied.

"But surely, people will be curious," interjected their mother.

"Dismiss it casually, my beloved," she suggested.

"He's still breathing?" Riddle inquired, his puzzlement evident on his face. He turned his attention to Yuu. "What manipulation have you employed, Yuu?"

"Rest assured, it's not something you need to concern yourself with. However, my work is not yet finished. He's quite susceptible to a fatal confrontation," Yuu responded calmly as they approached Leona. In a swift motion, Yuu infiltrated Leona's memories, delving into the heart of the matter to understand his motivations.

Within the empty expanse of Leona's memory, Yuu stood beside him, just at the threshold of the memory gate.

"You know, you're the first person to engage with me within their own memories," Yuu remarked.

"Hmm," Leona responded with a hint of nonchalance, embodying the demeanor of a lion with its pride.

"So, what's your story?" Yuu inquired. Leona's eyes rolled, a gesture of exasperation.

"Ever since I came into this world, I've felt like there's been an insurmountable boulder weighing me down," Leona began, and the surroundings shifted to a room where three puppet-like servants were assembled, frozen in their actions.


Amidst the haze of a memory being unveiled, the voices of attendants echoed softly:

Attendant A: "Crown prince Falena radiates such brightness and youthful joy. I fail to fathom why his younger brother remains enveloped in perpetual moodiness."

Attendant B: "Yet, one cannot disregard the unnerving power he wields! Just imagine the capability to transmute anything into sand!"

Attendant C: "Hush, both of you! Cease this dialogue immediately! What if unintended ears catch wind of your words?"

Unbeknownst to the attendants, a small lion cub, akin to a king in miniature, crouched behind the partially ajar door. It became apparent that these attendants had not grasped the lesson that even walls possess the capacity to be clandestine listeners. The scene retained a foggy quality, resembling a fragment of a recollection being resurfaced.


Amidst the ethereal mist of resurfacing memories, Leona's voice carried through:

"I'd wager that if I held the title of crown prince, their words would shape-shift into something like this: 'Crown prince Leona demonstrates discernment beyond his years—observe how adroitly he commands his formidable sorcery! I fail to comprehend how Falena can maintain such an unburdened demeanor.' It all unfolds this way because of my secondary birthright. They'd unearth flaws within me, no matter the circumstance—solely to fashion a pretext for extolling my brother. Irrespective of my actions, the pinnacle of achievement remains elusive." Leona's voice reverberated, and the scenery transformed once more, this time into a lavishly adorned bedroom.

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