Winter Break Is Here - Almost There; book 4 start

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The ghost now talks to Yuu, and it no longer just mention!


Yuu despised desert dreams, even though they were just dreams. The scorching, arid air clung to their skin, and the irritating sand seemed to find its way into their food and mouth no matter what they did. It didn't help that they had to contend with someone like their papa. Yuu shook their head and let out a weary sigh as they stared at their reflection in the mirror while their mama patiently combed their hair. Meanwhile, the rest of their parents huddled over a desk piled high with endless stacks of paper.

"All these dreams seem to be telling me that I'll have to deal with someone like one of you," Yuu grumbled, frustration evident in their voice. "This time, it's a desert. Ugh, I hate sand."

"It also means it'll be relatively easy!" Hade's voice boomed as he leaned over Yuu's desk, studying the elaborate plan laid out before them. Jafar, on the other hand, carefully arranged chess pieces on a board nearby.

"Tsk, how rude," Jafar muttered, his eyes scanning the plan for any potential mistakes. "Perhaps you should assist me with this plan, Yuu. One wrong move, and your life is on the line."

"Papa, please," Yuu replied, a hint of exasperation in their tone. They set down their eyeliner before continuing, "I'll survive, and if I don't, at least I'll go out looking hot."

"Yuu," the Evil Queen chimed in, her elegant fingers deftly working on braiding Yuu's hair. Yuu chuckled.

"Mother, please, have a sense of humor."

"It's so nice of Azul to give us some of these sea moon jewelries," Ursula remarked as she perused the contents of the jewelry chest. "Should we go with blue or pink?"

"Pink doesn't really match any of you guys, unless you count mother's dress," Yuu quipped, examining their reflection in the vanity mirror.

"Blue it is," Ursula decided, selecting the benitoite necklace and placing it delicately around Yuu's neck. She stepped back to admire the result. "And with this, you look perfect."

"I got it from you guys," Yuu replied with a laugh before bidding their parents goodbye.

As Yuu opened the bedroom door and stepped into the hallway, they bumped into the mischievous ghosts, and Grim was in the midst of a game of hide and seek.

"Hey, Yuu. Catch!" Casper, the shorter of the ghosts, exclaimed, dropping Grim into Yuu's waiting arms. "Henchman, you took so long!" Grim grumbled before promptly falling asleep.

"You look like you've seen a ghost. Heh heh heh." Gooey-Louie, the plump ghost, teased as he dragged along the tall ghost, Viss.

"Today's the last day of the fall semester. Look sharp and don't bungle the landing," Viss advised. "Oh yeah, tomorrow's the first day of the winter holiday. Have you two decided what you'll be doing?" Casper chimed in, playfully swiping Viss's top hat.

"Huh? What's a win-ter holly-day?" Grim asked, perplexed, as he observed Viss and Casper's playful antics while Ramshackle used a rug to restrain the mischievous ghosts.

"It's when school lets out for the season. Most students go home to celebrate the new year with their families. They have fancy dinners, too," Casper explained, tossing Viss's top hat to Gooey-Louie, who promptly placed it atop Yuu's head.

"Wait, there's FOOD?!" Grim exclaimed excitedly, leaping out of Yuu's arms. "And plenty of it. Roast turkey, pie, a ham as big as your head—you name it... Not that us ghosts can eat, of course," Viss explained before turning to Yuu. "My hat, please."

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