Fly to Your Heart: start of book 2

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Yuu woke up promptly at 4:30, knowing there was a long list of things to do. From painting to preparing lunches for the group (with a touch of magic, of course), completing Crowley's paperwork, finishing homework, studying, and more, the day was packed. Glancing over at Grim, who was still asleep, Yuu smirked.

"Myaaah! Meeeooow! "Myah myaaah..." Grim mumbled in his sleep, flailing around as if having a nightmare.

"Was that a roar? Someone's having quite the dream," Yuu chuckled, observing Grim's antics.

" Myaaah... Thass whatchu get... ...fer crossin' Grim da Miiightyyy..." Grim continued, mixing his words with snores.

Yuu rolled their eyes. "He's even a jerk in his dreams. Grim, wake up!" Yuu exclaimed, playfully tossing a pillow at the cat.

"That's right! Cower before me, teapot tyrant! BWUH-MYAH?!" Grim jolted awake, a pillow hitting him in the face. "...Huh? Where am I? Aw, man! I was dreaming that I was trouncing Riddle with my magic. You shoulda seen his face..." Grim mumbled, still half in dreamland.

Yuu rolled their eyes again, amused by Grim's dream-induced bravado.

"You mean Ace and the others did the work while you hid behind me, right? And if you want to get stronger, you'll have to do more than just snooze all day," Yuu teased as they got out of bed.

Grim yawned and stretched. "All right, lemme just fix my bedhead. Then it's off to class! I've got magic to master!" he said, showing his eagerness to learn.

Class went by quickly, and soon it was time for lunch in the cafeteria. Yuu sat across from Deuce and Ace, who had apparently gotten into a fight with another student over a sandwich. Yuu shook their head in a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

"Did you really have to fight over a sandwich?" Yuu asked, opening a can of tuna for Grim.

"The day you stop giving us heart attacks is the day we'll stop getting into fights," Ace responded with a mouthful of sandwich.

Yuu's mother's voice echoed in their head, criticizing Ace's eating habits. I know, mother, but he's funny. Yuu replied in their mind.

'Funny or not, you should have higher standards,' their mother retorted. Yuu sighed inwardly, realizing that their mother's opinion was unlikely to change.

"Is something bothering you, Yuu?" Deuce asked with a mouthful of his egg sandwich.

"It's nothing. But could you please eat with your mouth closed?" Yuu requested.

Deuce nodded sheepishly, closing his mouth as he chewed.

"By the way, that guy who came by earlier... I feel like I've seen him somewhere before," Yuu said, their thoughts drifting to the funny boy who had taken one of their sandwiches earlier.

"He could be in one of our classes," Deuce suggested.

"Hmm," Yuu responded, their mind still trying to place where they had seen the boy before. They had a good memory for faces, especially considering their parents teachings.

As classes let out a few minutes later, Grim joined Ace and Deuce, leaving Yuu alone on their own devices. Remembering where they had seen the boy, Ruggie, before, Yuu decided to pay a visit to the Botanical Garden. They entered the garden, marveling at its beauty, and began their search for the lion boy. After all, if they found him, the other boy, Ruggie, should be nearby as well.

"Cub, you better not step on that lion's tail again," their dad's gruff voice echoed in their mind.

"Fine, I will sing," Yuu responded.

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