The night meeting: If You Believe.

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As Yuu and Horton strolled through the garden, Yuu shared details of their recent overblot dealings.

Horton, leaning in with interest, remarked, "It sounds like you had a great time with them."

Yuu shrugged nonchalantly. "If you say so."

Pausing in front of the garden's elegant fountain, Yuu asked, "So, what brings you here today, aside from enduring my rants?"

"Ramshackle is such a serene place," Horton continued, "and I've grown quite fond of the solitude it offers." He smiled warmly. "Plus, I must admit, I enjoy hearing you sing."

With a friendly grin, Yuu extended their hand towards Horton. "Well, if Ramshackle Ground brings you peace, Horton, then consider this my official invitation to make use of its grounds whenever you please."

"Thank you," Horton replied, shaking Yuu's hand appreciatively.

As Yuu and Horton made their way to the cozy sitting area, Yuu extended a friendly invitation, asking, "Well, with that out of the way, would you join the fairies and me for some tea?"

Horton's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "I would love to," he replied.

Before Yuu could respond to Horton, a sudden flurry of excitement ensued as thousands of fairies swarmed around them.




Yuu couldn't resist the infectious energy of the fairies. With a chuckle, they turned to the eager crowd and asked, "What song should I sing?"

In a harmonious chorus, the thousands of fairies spoke at the same time, "If You Believe."

And so, in that magical moment, Yuu sang "If You Believe," a simple but heartwarming tune, filling the garden with their beautiful voice as Horton and the fairies listened with pure delight.

~ Time to turn the maple brilliant crimson
Time to turn the aspen's sparkling gold
Time to tumble apples from their branches
Time to turn the breeze's crisp and cold ~

As Yuu gracefully danced, their eyes sparkled with joy as they watched the fairies twirl around them. Feeling the infectious energy, Yuu couldn't resist inviting Horton to join in the merriment.

"Horton, join in the fun," Yuu encouraged, playfully pulling Horton from his seat.

Horton, a bit hesitant but willing to give it a try, responded, "If you say so, child of men," and did his best to follow along with the whimsical dance.

In the midst of this lighthearted moment, Yuu's father, Hades, chimed in with his thoughts. 'Hey kid, I take it back. I don't want you to date him,' Hades remarked in Yuu's mind.

With a reassuring mental message, Yuu responded, 'He's doing his best, Father.'

Hades, still somewhat dramatic, grumbled, 'He's got two left feet! Oh, the horror! What will the others say?'

Choosing not to engage further with their father's theatrics, Yuu simply enjoyed the enchanting dance with Horton and the fairies, relishing the happiness of the moment.

~A chill enfolds the countryside

Kiss of morning mist upon the meadow
Scent of wood smoke swirling in the air
Signals that it's high time for the harvest
Every pumpkin, peach and prickly pear
With ripened fruit to bear ~

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