The contact: under the sea.

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Three days later.


Yuu nodded, sipping their tea thoughtfully. "I see," they replied, their frustration beginning to turn into understanding. "So, Azul set up this contract knowing that most students would fail to meet the terms, essentially making them indebted to him."

Ramshackle chimed in, "It's a clever move on his part, exploiting their desperation for success."

Jack nodded in agreement. "Exactly, mate. He's got them wrapped around his finger, and it's not easy to break free from a Faustian bargain like that."

Yuu leaned back on the sofa, contemplating the situation. "I suppose that's why Ace, Deuce, and Grim didn't ask for my help. They're probably too deep into this mess now."

Ramshackle added, "It's a tricky situation, but maybe there's a way to help them without falling into Azul's trap."

Jack raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I've got a few ideas, but it won't be easy. We'll need to be smart about it."

As they discussed their plan over tea and cherry tarts, Yuu, Ramshackle, and Jack knew they were in for a challenging journey ahead, but they were determined to help their friends and outsmart Azul's cunning contracts.

"Oh, yeah," Yuu remarked as they picked up their teacup once more.

"I mean, seriously! Getting good grades by using someone else's work? What does that even prove? You're squandering a perfectly good opportunity to showcase your own abilities. Honestly, you're only cheating yourself," Jack added as he reached for another cherry tart. Yuu glanced out the window and spotted a bird-like figure waving. Oh, no.

Yuu might have zoned out a bit when the avian individuals started conversing. 'I'd love to pluck all his feathers,' their mother said. 'Me too, Ma, me too,' Yuu silently agreed in their minds. They watched as the headmaster emerged from the ramshackle building. "Trip him, Ramshackle," Yuu whispered to the structure. They turned back to Jack.

"Jack, you never know when the headmage will show up. So, what's your plan here? Because you're right—just approaching Azul and asking nicely won't get you anywhere," Yuu said, taking another sip of tea.

"True. A successful investigation begins with observing the target. You really know your stuff. Plus, letting Ace and the others stew in the mess they've created might teach them a valuable lesson," Jack replied as he got up to leave.

"See you," Yuu bid farewell as Jack walked away. Yuu let out another sigh.


The next day.


Yuu and Jack sat at their usual table, keeping a close eye on Azul. From the outside, Azul seemed like the perfect honors student, but the only dark cloud over his record was his contract. "Which, I copyright! This octopus child is breaking copyright law!" their ma yelled in Yuu's head. Yuu just sighed.

"Mrooow... Azul sure didn't waste any time workin' us to the bone. If I wasn't dead on my feet before, I sure am now," a voice emanated from a cat-raccoon perched precariously on thin ice.

"Cleaning Octavinelle Dorm, waiting tables at the lounge, going on grocery runs... He's been running me ragged," Ace complained as he sat down next to Yuu, casually snagging a chocolate cookie from Yuu's hand and taking a bite. Men.

"Housewarden Rosehearts was all like, 'You made a contract with Azul? Off with your head!' He made me write lines as punishment," Deuce chimed in, clearly disgruntled.

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