The epilogue of Octavinelle. - I Remember

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Full title: Home at Last, Museum Travelogue, and the Epilogue of Octavinelle I remembers.


Ramshackle dorm


Yuu took a deep breath, their gaze fixed on the familiar sight of Ramshackle sitting atop the hill, and they turned to address Grim and the fairies who were holding their bags.

"Ah, there's no place like home. It's nice to be back in our garden and home, isn't it?" Yuu asked, their voice filled with a sense of nostalgia.

"Yeah, yeah, henchman. It's nice to be back, but, like, can we go in now? It's cold out here," Grim grumbled, clutching his bag of tuna cans.

"Of course, you guys can go and put the stuff away. I just need a couple of minutes to talk to Hornton," Yuu replied, turning to face the grim and the fairies. Grim and the fairies nodded and disappeared in a flash, heading back to Ramshackle.

As Yuu turned their attention to Hornton, the enigmatic figure approached them with a mixture of surprise and admiration in his eyes.

"Ah, you've returned. Who would have ever expected you to win a bet with Ashengrotto? For as doe-eyed as you look, you're quite the schemer," Hornton remarked, acknowledging Yuu's unexpected triumph with a hint of respect.

"You know better that my doe-eyed is just an act. It matters not. What you said about gargoyles was just the hint I needed," Yuu replied, their gaze fixed on the rose that had grown on Ramshackle's gate.

"Really? I wasn't trying to offer some cryptic clue or the like. Heh. In any case, I'm glad to know this garden will remain nice and quiet. Ashengrotto's calm features contorting in frustration must have been quite the sight. Would that I could have been a fly on the wall. Mm... It seems I had best be returning to my dorm now. I bid you good night," Hornton said before vanishing in a flash, leaving Yuu to ponder his cryptic words.

Odd, Yuu thought, as they usually had a longer conversation with Hornton. Shaking off their curiosity, Yuu opened the gate to Ramshackle. As they entered, they noticed two students running around frantically, seemingly looking for the man Yuu had just spoken to.


Ramshackle dorm – Yuu bedroom


"And that's what has happened so far. So, Ramshackle, how has it been with Floyd and Jade?" Yuu inquired as they sat on the floor, engaged in a card game with Grim. A sudden, loud bang from one of the windows interrupted their conversation.

"Aha, it seems Ramshackle really despises the twins," Grim remarked as he hopped onto the bed.

"It certainly seems that way. Don't worry, this will be the last time you have to deal with them 24/7," Yuu assured Grim as they got up to walk over to the bed.

Grim, already halfway to dreamland, purred contentedly. "Aaah... Now that's a whopper of a fish... I can't eat all that... Mrow..."

Yuu chuckled at Grim's antics. "What an exhausting day...I feel so at home in this bed..." They stretched out on the bed and felt their mother's presence combing through their hair.

"Yeah, do you think that one day you will regain your mortal form?" Yuu asked, a hint of hope in their voice.

"We may never know, my dear. Besides, even if we never regain our mortal form, we will still love you just the same. Understand?" their mother reassured them, giving Yuu a kiss on the head.

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