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"You have to remember me Lauren! We've been best friends for years! Lauren you can't forget me! You can't do this!" Normani begged

"Please stop shouting." Lauren whined covering her ears and closing her eyes in fear

"I don't- please, Lauren." Normani cried placing her hands over her mouth in shock

"Get out!" Lauren cried feeling horrifically overwhelmed

"Lauren-" Normani started tearfully

"GET OUT!!" Lauren screamed

"That didn't sound good." Dinah bit her lip as Normani came out the room

"She doesn't remember me." Normani cried as Ally hugged her tightly

"She's probably just overwhelmed by it all. Things will have calmed down and then she'll remember something." Camila rubbed her back

"Mani?!" Lauren called out and Normani's eyes lit up and she ran into the room

"Lauren?" She asked cautiously

"Mani I'm sorry I remember you I promise." Lauren scrambled out of the hospital bed to hug her best friend

"Ah shit!" Lauren winced in pain

"You're sore?" Normani guessed

"Everywhere." Lauren confirmed

"Sit back down or you'll hurt yourself again." Normani chuckled helping her back to the bed

"Where's Dinah?" Lauren wondered

"Dinah's outside, so are Ally and some girl called Camila. Camila is the one who drove us all up here." Normani informed her

"Can you send Dinah in?" Lauren asked her best friend

Normani went to the door and called for the Polynesian girl who shortly entered the room to see Lauren

"Hey, thanks for, you know." Lauren said hesitantly, as if she wasn't completely sincere

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're alright." She smiled meaningfully

"I'm sorry I snapped at you, I guess I'm just not used to people caring." Lauren admitted

"Well I'd like to be your friend if you'll let me?" Dinah said hopefully

"I-I'd like that." Lauren agreed

"Good, then that's settled, oh and the girl I wanted you to meet earlier, she's here." Dinah began

"Her name is Camila right?" Lauren guessed

"You know her?" Dinah smirked

"I know of her, Normani told me." Lauren told her

"Ah, you wanna meet her? She doesn't know you personally but my god, she's been pacing back and forth the corridor with worry before you woke up." Dinah laughed lightly

"Uh, yeah alright." Lauren agreed hesitantly, she didn't know the girl and she's already scared her, way to go Lauren, she thought

"Mila!" Dinah called out

"Yes?" Camila's voice rang through Lauren's ears, there was something familiar about it

Images flashed through her head, but not just memories of the girl, of her parents, of her childhood, of the car, of her brother and her sister, of Normani

Lauren screamed shocking everyone and the girls all rushed in to find Lauren collapsed on the floor with her head in her hands

"Lauren?" Normani gasped

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