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"Dinah?" Lauren whispered as she felt the girls breathing begin to even out

"Mm?" Dinah hummed wiping her eyes calming down

"Are you okay?" Lauren asked genuinely concerned for her

If this was the first time she'd opened up it was clearly a big thing for her.

Dinah shrugged and settled herself voluntarily back into Lauren's hold; to which she automatically wrapped her arms back around her

"I'm glad you told me. It's not an easy thing to do, you know, open up to people." Lauren admitted

"I'm glad I have you Lauren." Dinah said looking up at her with a noticeable smile on her face

"I'm glad I've got you too." Lauren said cuddling up further into Dinah

"I'm tired." Dinah yawned

"Yeah cause it's late, get some sleep." Lauren commented smartly

"G'nite." Dinah mumbled falling asleep just as she finished the word

Lauren stared at the ceiling for a while, lost in her thoughts, lost in flashbacks.

Lauren was sure she heard knocking at the door and frowned in confusion carefully getting out of bed, being sure not to wake Dinah up.

Lauren tiptoed down the stairs and opened the door to see Camila standing there with a nervous smile on her face

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asked leaning against the door frame

"What so you can turn up at my house at midnight, and I can't do the same at yours?" Camila raised an eyebrow playfully

"Why are you here?" Lauren asked again, choosing to ignore the comment

"I was lonely, I guess." Camila confessed suddenly feeling awkward

Lauren peered behind Camila looking outside at the sky.

She admired it being almost pitch black, she could hardly send the girl home alone in that level of darkness.

"Come in." Lauren obliged stepping aside for Camila to enter

Camila gave her a shy smile and sat down on the sofa waiting patiently for Lauren to join her there.

"Why did you come here? To me, I mean." Lauren clarified sitting next to Camila interested at her choice

"I don't really know, I just..needed a friend." Camila settled on her answer

"Ally? Normani? Dinah?" Lauren enquired interestedly

"Dinah lives here with you, remember. But I don't want to talk to Dinah tonight. I want to talk to you, Lauren."

Lauren sighed and nodded before continuing "Alright, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well I can't think of anything now." Camila giggled slightly, Lauren rolled her eyes and stood up

"Where are you going?" Camila asked as her smile fell

"To bed, where I was before you woke me up." Lauren lied, she knew wasn't sleeping when Camila came by.

She just didn't want to take part in a pointless conversation with her, she didn't see where it would lead them. Probably nowhere good.

"Why can't we just talk Lauren? I just wanted to talk to you! I want to have a conversation because I can't sleep alone. Please?" Camila raised her voice helplessly

Lauren stood their numbly observing Camila's seemingly desperate expressions and actions

Lauren quickly snapped back into reality and sat back down with Camila silently agreeing to her idea.

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