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Lauren recollected herself and lay back in the empty bed. Lauren hoped that Dinah would just go downstairs, or to wherever she was and then come back into their room. But she hadn't, when Lauren was beginning to give up hope the door opened and Dinah came in. She shut the door behind her and lay on the other side of Lauren's bed.

"I was beginning to think you weren't coming back.." Lauren mumbled but Dinah gave no sign she had heard her, either that or she was ignoring Lauren. "Why are you so frickin mad at me?" Lauren asked vulnerably. Dinah turned to her girlfriend, no longer able to keep up the silent treatment at the sad tone of her voice.

"I'm not mad at you, I'm disappointed. Camila only wanted something to eat, I know she interrupted us but that didn't make it okay for you to just go ahead and slam a door in her face." Dinah explained and Lauren instantly felt guilty. "I-" Lauren started but Dinah shook her head at her "Don't apologise to me, you should go and apologise to the girl in the other bedroom with a bloody nose after having a damn door slammed into her face." Lauren gulped and raised herself from the bed to see Camila. "Okay." Lauren agreed

"Camz?" Lauren called hesitantly "Yes? What is it Lauren? Oh hey could you move away from the door? It'd make me feel a whole lot better than I do." Camila commented, to be fair Lauren did deserve that. "I didn't mean to slam it in your face. You just caught me on a bad night, it wasn't you. It was my fault and I'm so sorry." Lauren apologised, Camila only gave her a small forgiving smile. "Well I am in your house right now, so I kinda have to forgive you."

"So we're good?" Lauren checked and Camila shrugged sitting back on her bed for the night "Sure, night Lauren." Lauren smiled guiltily "Goodnight." Lauren trudged back into her room to see Dinah was waiting for her. "How'd it go then?" Lauren shrugged "I think we're okay now. I apologised and she seemed to accept it, but it didn't seem to me like she really did." Dinah sighed, wrapping a gentle arm around Lauren's waist, pulling her into her side. "She'll get over it, don't worry it'll be forgotten by tomorrow."

Lauren nodded at her girlfriend and then shrugged Dinah's arm away, scooting back to the headboard. "What is it babe?" Dinah worried moving close to Lauren. "Stop acting like you don't hate me." Lauren frowned and Dinah raised an eyebrow "Why would I hate you? You made a mistake Laur, we all make them." Dinah rubbed her arm, Lauren winced at the contact and then pulled it away, Dinah remembered at that point. "What happened?" Dinah asked and Lauren leant into Dinah's body and the Polynesian cuddled the venerable girl. "I'm just tired of fucking up all the time, I'm such a bad person." Lauren huffed.

The statement made Dinah furrow her eyebrows. "No you're not. You aren't defined as a person by the mistakes that you make. You're a great person, and I love the great person I have sat here in my arms," Dinah looked down "-who really shouldn't be crying, it's okay..Laur..Can I see now?" Dinah trailed and Lauren shrugged, so Dinah took that as a yes and slipped off her jacket from Lauren's shoulders. "Oh my god..my poor baby girl.." Dinah gasped assessing the damage. Lauren didn't dare to look at Dinah, it was too late to pull away and she didn't want to see the shame filled in her deep brown eyes.

Even if Lauren had tried to speak she wouldn't be able to utter a single word. Lauren knew what Dinah thought of her, she wanted Camila to go home, it sounded harsh since she let her stay, but technically she did practically invite herself in for the night. Lauren wanted to be alone, was that so much to ask? "Babe." Dinah tried to get Lauren's attention but it proved to be quite the task for her. "What time is it?" Lauren asked gently and Dinah checked her phone "Nearly 7am." Dinah replied and Lauren nodded "Can you take Camila home? Please. I want to be alone." She requested and Dinah looked down at the girls arms "Sure, but you're coming with us." Dinah decided, she was rather suspicious. She had every right to be.

Lauren pulled her arms away "Take her home Dinah, I'm fine." Lauren put up a front and Dinah narrowed her eyes but knew she fought a losing battle. "Okay, I won't be long." Dinah leaned over to kiss Lauren's lips before she left to take Camila home, but Lauren had turned her cheek so her lips met the side of her face. Dinah sighed and got of the bed in defeat. "I love you." Dinah smiled sadly stopping at the door, but her response never came back. Dinah didn't want to take a risk and leave Lauren alone, so instead she decided to just show their friend out. "Camila, hey, are you feeling better?" Dinah approached her in the kitchen "Yeah, I'm good. I was just thinking of heading home, Ally's coming over. Tell Lauren that I said thanks for having me." Camila smiled and Dinah sighed with relief that she had been the one to suggest her departure. "Okay Mila, I'll let her know." Dinah followed her to the door "Bye then Cheechee." Camila kissed her cheek and Dinah smiled and kissed hers back "Bye Chancho." She shut the door and out the corner of her eye she saw Lauren dash to the bathroom.

Dinah ran up the stairs and opened the door to see Lauren searching through the cupboard and bringing out the pill bottles for the second time. "Lauren!!" Dinah shouted making her drop all the bottles in her hands in surprise. "You're not supposed to be here!" Lauren cried picking up the bottles. Dinah grabbed them from her hands and put them back in the cupboards, pulling Lauren into her arms. She was surprised when Lauren didn't fight back and held onto her letting the tears soak her shirt. "It's okay baby girl, shh it's alright." Dinah soothed burying her head in Lauren's shoulder, holding her tightly. "Don't do this again, please." Dinah begged and levered Lauren's legs up to be wrapped around her, taking her into their bedroom. "I just wanted them to stop." Lauren cried in Dinah's chest, she could feel her heart racing. "I've got you Lauren, I'm here." Dinah whispered, she kissed Lauren's cheek and ran her fingers through her dark locks. "I didn't know what else to do." Lauren admitted, "You call me, that's what you do." Dinah spoke to her seriously.

"I-I can't lose you, you can't leave me." Lauren begged and Dinah sighed, she spoke the words that she was thinking when she saw Lauren in that state. "I wouldn't, I love you." Dinah cradled the fragile girl who nodded in response "I love you too." Lauren croaked. "I know Lo.." Lauren buried her face in Dinah's neck and tightened her grip on her "I'm scared." She whispered, Dinah frowned "Why?" Lauren shrugged "I feel like it's never gonna change." Dinah sighed lightly and then kissed her girlfriend's temple "Of course it's gonna change, please don't think like that."

Lauren raised her head and then pulled Dinah into a kiss, it got heated pretty quickly and Dinah rolled Lauren onto her back, hovering over her. Their lips never parted once, Lauren opened her eyes and smiled "You're so beautiful." She breathed and Dinah blushed "So are you babe." Lauren giggled at the compliment and reconnected their lips "Lauren.." Dinah whispered hesitantly, Lauren reached up and wrapped her arms around Dinah's neck, she slowly pulled her closer but then Dinah pulled away "I'm not ready to go that far..and I don't think you are either."

Lauren groaned and reattached their lips, "Let me get lost in your lips, that's all I want right now." Lauren breathed, Dinah felt her cheeks flush as she fell to Lauren's side and pulled her on top of her body "Okay." She whispered and eagerly pulled Lauren into another kiss "God I could kiss you forever." Lauren breathed and Dinah smiled into their kiss "Me too." Lauren smiled at Dinah's response and snaked her arms around her waist "I love you." Dinah grinned "I love you too Lauren." At that point they both heard a window smash downstairs which made them pull apart in shock. "Wha-What the fucking hell was that?" Lauren gasped and Dinah gulped "I'll check, stay here." Dinah ran downstairs and she saw a rock had been thrown in through their window, when she picked it up she could see a note on the under side. She unravelled it and read it to herself very carefully . "I know you told someone Dinah Jane, and you'll regret it. You killed my baby."

"Oh my god." Dinah whispered, she turned the note over and saw a picture of a baby drawn in what Dinah thought looked like blood. Dinah whimpered in fright and Lauren came down at that moment "What happened down here?" Dinah whipped her head around and sighed with relief when she saw Lauren standing there. "H-He knows I told you what happened."  Lauren's green eyes widened "Who does baby?" Dinah just looked down in shame "Who?" Lauren said a little more forcefully "My father."

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