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"Camila!" Ally was running over to her before she had time to register her name being shouted

"Hey Ally!" Camila laughed picking her up in a hug

"Sup lil bug?" Camila put her down swinging their hands back and forth between them as the rest of the girls approached

"Lauren gimme a piggy back!" Normani giggled jumping on her back

"Shit Mani!" Lauren groaned heaving her up by her legs as she clung onto her

"Okay well now I feel left out." Dinah huffed walking in the middle of them

"C'mere." Lauren smiled moving her arm out a little bit so she could link it through as she held Normani up

"Lauren I love youuuuu!" Normani leaned down kissing her cheek repeatedly

"Normani would you stop it you dork!" Lauren laughed

"Whatcha gonna do about it?" Normani teased her

"I can drop you." Lauren loosened her grip to scare Normani who screeched clinging onto Dinah's shoulder for support

"Okay okay fine get me down!" Normani whined and Lauren obeyed letting her best friend off her back

Lauren was glad to be relieved of the weight, her arms were starting to ache.

"Camila, Ally wait up!" Normani called rushing over to the girls who were already heading into a store

"You're quiet." Lauren nudged Dinah swinging their hands back and forth

"I'm fine, I just felt a little left out is all." Dinah admitted

"Oh no! Come cuddle." Lauren said in a baby voice and jumped up clinging to Dinah like a koala bear

Dinah smiled widely hugging Lauren back swiftly

"You're literally the sweetest Lauser, remind me why haven't we hung out before this?" Dinah asked

"I don't know." Lauren shrugged pulling away from the hug, but Lauren did know.

Lauren was never a people person, she was reserved and kept herself to herself. Normani had practically forced their friendship at first.

Lauren went along with it for a while simply because she wouldn't leave her alone but over time she admittedly grew rather fond of Normani.

"We should find the others." Dinah smiled grabbing Lauren's hand again

Lauren looked down at their hands and smiled, then smiled up at Dinah who was looking back at her

"Yeah, we should." Lauren agreed tightening her hold on Dinah's hand and they went off to hunt the other 3 girls down

Dinah caught up with Ally, Normani and Camila who were looking at dresses while Lauren headed over to look at the beanies

"What's up?" Camila tapped Lauren on the shoulder making her jump

"Camz don't do that!" Lauren gasped as her hand clutching the beanie flew to her chest

"Sorry!" Camila giggled

"I didn't mean to scare you Lauren. I just wanted to see how you were. We barely spoke this morning." Camila explained

"Oh, well I'm fine. Thanks for last night. It was, just, thanks." Lauren smiled softly at Camila

"Can I have a hug?" Camila pouted and Lauren giggled dramatically outstretching her arms hugging Camila

"Your hugs are great." Camila nestled her head into Lauren's neck

Lauren smiled doing the same with Camila, Lauren was admittedly enjoying her embrace

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