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Lauren shot up out of her dream, she had just started sobbing and crying uncontrollably, waking Normani up by doing so. "Lauren! Fucking shit. What happened?" Normani pulled her into her arms but instead of what she expected, Lauren pushed her away and curled up into a ball. Normani didn't know what to do now, the only thing she knew of was to hold her. But if she couldn't do that, what could she do? Luckily she heard a door shut downstairs and then who Normani presumed was Dinah came up the stairs at a fast pace. Sure enough it was Dinah when Normani saw her burst into the room. "What the hell is going on?" She gasped and knelt down in front of Lauren, who was hunched over on the bed. "Baby it's me, Dinah, c'mon open your eyes babe." She went to take her hands and Lauren flinched under her touch. "Lauren." Normani gulped, she felt helpless. She had no idea what was happening. A flashback maybe, yeah, that would make sense. "Mani look there's nothing you can do, you're scared, I understand. I've dealt with this before, go the guest room and get some sleep." Dinah smiled gently to reassure her. Normani got up off the bed and eagerly obliged. Dinah had a point, or a few. She fell asleep as soon as her head it the pillow despite the sobs and screams coming from another room occupying Lauren and Dinah.

"Lauren, honey it's okay. You're safe!" Dinah raised her voice and after a few more minutes Lauren finally opened her eyes. It took her a few minutes to register who was in front of her wasn't a threat. When she saw it was Dinah she pulled her closer and nuzzled her head into her neck as she cried it out. "Shh, shh it's okay." Dinah soothed and wrapped her arms tightly around her girlfriend. She moved her body skilfully so she was on the bed with Lauren and pulled her closer. "Talk to me baby girl you're safe with me." Lauren couldn't speak beyond her cries so she tightened her hold on Dinah helplessly. "T-they h-h-hurt m-me!" Lauren somehow got out, Dinah understood what she had relived then. "I know." She closed her eyes and stroked Lauren's hair relaxing her slightly. "It r-re-really hurt." She gulped and Dinah nodded with a sigh. "I know baby, I'm here now." Lauren wrapped her bare arms around Dinah tightly "I'm sorry about before." Lauren mumbled as she nuzzled her head into Dinah's neck. "Sorry? Why? What do you mean?" Dinah asked, Lauren only sighed "I don't want to be apart from you Dinah. Even if you did initially try to set me and Camila up, and that's what initiated the contact. It was you who came over by your choice. It could have been Ally or even Camz could have, but it wasn't. You didn't mean to get your own feelings into the mix but you acted on them honestly. I'm not even mad at you anymore, because that is what really matters to me. Honesty." Dinah nuzzled her head into Lauren's shoulder and sighed contentedly. "Are we back together then?" Lauren smiled and nodded "Yes Dinah, now kiss me already." Lauren pulled back from the hug and captured Dinah's lips in her own. "Lauren wait, just wait a second." Lauren pulled back worriedly "What's wrong?" Dinah laid back and stared up at the ceiling. "Can we go to sleep?" She mumbled, Lauren almost missed the first tear escape Dinah's eye, almost. Lauren crawled over and lay down next to her girlfriend. She pulled the heavy covers over them both and sighed, she didn't know what the hell was wrong with Dinah but it didn't look like she would be told anytime soon why she was crying. So Lauren settled for just wrapping her arms around Dinah, who turned to face Lauren and hid her face in her neck. "I love you Dinah." Lauren whispered as she stroked the small of her back lightly with her fingertips. "I love you too Laur." Dinah barely spoke through her being so choked up. "Talk to me babe, please." Lauren urged her, Dinah gulped and leant back from her hold. "I just never thought that," Dinah stopped herself, Lauren nodded for her to carry on "Go on." Dinah took a deep breath. "We're going to New York, it's crazy. But, I'll be leaving everyone back here. I grew up with over 20 people in the house. It'll just be so weird to say goodbye." Lauren smiled sadly "It's, it isn't goodbye. More of a.."see you later" It's an adventure, right? And they'd all want the best for you, plus this is your future Dinah." Dinah smiled "I guess so but you must be glad to get away from here right?" Lauren tensed, "Actually, Mani and I will be joining you out in NY next week." Dinah pouted "Nooo, I don't want to go without you." Lauren smiled and stroked her cheek lovingly. "You're not babe. I have to stay behind, I need to take care of something." She said carefully but her whole manner screamed she was terrified. "What is it? Why do you have to stay here?" Lauren sighed "I need to be in court in 3 days." Dinah's mouth went dry and she licked her lips, not that it helped much. "I'll stay with you, or Mila-" Lauren shook her head "No you both go up with Ally, Normani will be here if I need her. She needs me too, we both need to hold off. It's only one week Dinah, we'll be fine." Dinah sighed "It's not we, that I'm even worried about. It's you. It's going to be hard Lauren." Lauren sat up, "It needs to be done." Dinah followed her action, "Not alone though, Normani doesn't know what went down that night. You don't even want to tell her, do you?" Lauren bit her lip, she didn't. It would be too raw for her to even tell her after what Normani had let slip about when she had gone missing. "Who'll stay for me?" Lauren's voice was barely above a whisper. She was afraid, her vibes were so obviously screaming her fear. "I will. Or Camila will. Whoever you choose." Lauren considered it, she had to pick. The girls left for New York tomorrow. "Go," Dinah seemed apprehensive, "Go. You need a break Dinah. Camila and I have been drifting apart lately and if we can get closer in any way again, this is a good one." Dinah sighed and took hold of Lauren's hand mindlessly. "But Lo, I don't want to leave you." Lauren's eyes fluttered shut as she focused solely on the warm and gentle touch of Dinah's thumb smoothing over her skin. "You need a break from me, it's for your best interests Dinah, really." Dinah's bottom lip wobbled "Don't say that baby, look Lauren please. I just want to be here for you." Lauren didn't open her eyes but leant into her body knowingly. "Space is what we both need, and space is what we'll get. It'll be one week. Just the one, things are going to change." -Neither of the girls realised how true that really was, it was going to change. And fast at that.

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