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"How do you do this?" Camila giggled nervously feeling slightly tipsy. Lauren looked around at all their puzzled faces. "Wait, so you guys have never done a joint before?" Everyone all shook their heads making Lauren smirk. "Have any of you smoked it?" Dinah and Ally both raised their hands, Camila gasped "Ally what the hell?! How come I never knew about that?" Ally chuckled "Hey, I may be Christian but I can have my fun, it's like a crime not to take advantage of your teenage years. Am I right Laur?" Lauren smiled and nodded "Exactly." She purposely looked at Normani who sighed "Pass the lighter." Lauren held her out to Dinah who gave it to her. She lit it and inhaled making sure that it was properly lit, and smiled proudly after the smoke flew out of her mouth.

"Who wants it?" Lauren held it out and Ally took it inhaling the drug gladly "Is it safe?" Camila eyed it "Pft Camz, it's a drug." Lauren giggled, Camila looked at it apprehensively. "Mila trust us, it isn't bad, you'll feel good." Dinah said as she took the joint from Ally and placed it in between her lips, then handing it back to Lauren who inhaled a few times then held it out to Camila "Camz?" Camila looked over at Normani for help "She doesn't have to." Normani told Lauren protectively "Mani don't get so het up. Chill." Lauren said handing her best friend the joint on the last word. She took the joint and inhaled it sharply before coughing and Ally laughed and rubbed her back. "You okay?" Normani nodded and caught her breath back.

"Lo give it." Dinah held her hand out for Lauren to give her the fast going joint "Wait, Camila." Lauren said handing her the joint encouragingly "Don't push her Lauren." Normani huffed but she was contradicted when Camila took it and placed it in her lips unsure of what to do next. "Okay, now inhale deeply from your lungs, hold it for a bit, and then breathe out." Lauren instructed her, Camila did as Lauren had told her and she did feel slightly lightheaded, but it was a good feeling. "See? It's not so bad." Lauren took back the joint from Camila and finished it off before putting it out in an ash tray that Dinah had put in the middle for them.

Lauren reached forward for her glass and took a swig of the flavoured vodka. "Shall I roll another one?" She offered and Dinah nodded eagerly, Ally nodded too, so Lauren rolled up 5 more so that they could all have one each. She had handed them out and the lighter was being passed around. "This is some real good shit. Who's your dealer Lo?" Ally asked and Lauren shook her head "I'd be dead before I gave him up, but give me the money and I can get you more." Normani objected "I don't think you should go to him anymore." Lauren scoffed "It's for Ally, it's not like I'm gonna go off the rails.." Dinah, Ally and Normani's eyes all met hers concerned and Lauren sighed in annoyance.

"What, you think I'm already at that point?" Dinah sighed "Well you did try and-" Ally stopped her "That's enough, it's fine Lauren. I'll find my own dealer if I decide I want to." The green eyed girl nodded appreciatively and gulped down the remaining liquid in her glass before pouring her fourth. "Maybe you should stop." Camila put her hand over the top of it. "Why?" She challenged and Ally agreed, taking the glass and pouring its full content back into the previously empty bottle. "I think it's time we all stop and get some rest."

Normani shrugged "Here I'll drink it. I only had one glass, it should all go by tonight." Normani put the squash in and swirled if sound to mix it before chugging the pint. "Let's all go to sleep huh? Graduation tomorrow." Camila squealed and they all giggled except for Lauren. "Goodnight." Lauren mumbled and trudged up the stairs "Ugh Lauren wait!" Dinah got up to follow her to bed "Night guys. Mila will show you to the spare room, there's sleeping bags in the corner of the room if you want but I'm sure the bed is big enough for you all." Normani smiled "Okay, night Dinah." Dinah smiled and opened the door to her and Lauren's room watching as she stared at the ceiling in the dark.

Dinah lay beside her and reached for her hand entertaining their fingers. "Penny for your thoughts?" Lauren huffed "I'm not going off the frickin rails." Dinah winced at the sharp tone of her voice. "We didn't say that you were, we were only worried about you." Lauren immediately retaliated "But why? What reason do you have to even worry about me?" Dinah raised one eyebrow at her in disbelief "Lauren you tried to fucking kill yourself, you're self can't expect us not to be the least bit concerned, we're your friends, I'm your girlfriend."

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