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"Lauren are you still awake?" Camila whispered as they lay beside each other in the dark

Of course Lauren was awake. She very rarely slept and makeup did an amazing job hiding it.

Lauren debated on whether to answer Camila or pretend she was sleeping.

She decided to answer. First impressions are important, right?

"Yeah." Lauren replied in a normal talking voice

"What's up?" Camila turned on her side propping herself up on her elbow looking at Lauren in the dark

Lauren sighed and turned on the lamp beside her illuminating the room dimly before leaning on her elbow facing Camila

"This is pretty normal. I just don't sleep often. But what's up with you?" Lauren asked curiously

Camila was very outgoing at school, she was extremely smart, very opinionated and rather determined.
Now she was acting quiet, reserved and..normal? If you could call it that.

"Lauren, what do you think of me, as a person?" Camila wondered

"We just met Camila, but for first impressions you're doing great." Lauren shot her a small smile

Camila let out a relieved breath, for some reason she regarded Lauren's opinion as a very high one, one that you needed to earn from her.

"Why do you even care what I think of you? You're Karla Camila Cabello, basic superstar of the school. You shouldn't give a shit about what people think." Lauren spoke mindlessly

"How do you know my full name?" Camila questioned raising an eyebrow

"I pay attention. Don't take it personally, I know a lot of people's names." Lauren lied, something just intrigued her about Camila so she made sure she knew who Camila was

"Okay. Well I know things too, you're Lauren Jauregui, outgoing, funny, bubbly, beautiful, perfect-"

"Far from it! I appreciate you saying that stuff but that's really not me. I'm the complete opposite of how I act at school. See, it's all about image when you're a student. If you don't have a constant image for the time you're in school you don't survive it. Simple as." Lauren explained

"So, I really don't know shit." Camila trailed pouting when she realised she was completely wrong.

Well, in her eyes she was still beautiful, even going so far as to say perfect.

"Well you know my name, not my story." Lauren smiled falsely

"Then tell me your story." Camila smiled interested to get to know the real Lauren

"I'm not really good at telling people about my life, Camila. We just met. Hell I've known Normani for like 5 years and she doesn't know much about me. Practically nothing about the real me. The real me isn't good to know." Lauren rambled

"I want to know the real Lauren Jauregui, not the school facade. I'm genuinely intrigued to know who you are." Camila answered with a genuine smile on her face

"I'm sorry Camila, I can't." Lauren sighed turning over to turn off the lamp making the room pitch black again

Camila sighed and frowned as she lay back down with Lauren, she hadn't expected Lauren to turn out the light and end their conversation so quickly

But then she heard crying and realised why she had, thankfully Lauren didn't have full control over the lighting.

There was a lamp on Camila's bedside too, she turned the lamp on to see Lauren muffling her sobs so as not to disturb her.

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