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"So if your family died, who's taking care of you?" Dinah asked unaware

Lauren looked down avoiding eye contact awkwardly

"Does anyone live with you?" Dinah asked cautiously

"No." Lauren sighed admitting the truth for the first time

"So what, you live alone in that house? It's just you? You don't have anyone living there with you?"

"Yes Dinah now shut up!" Lauren growled pushing herself away from the Polynesian girl

"I'm sorry. But I don't get it. How has no one noticed, how do you pay the bills?" Dinah wondered

"I have a part time job. No one needs to know." Lauren shrugged

"You're only 16 years old Lauren, how are you managing?" Dinah asked

Lauren shrugged "I'm used to it. I've been doing this for the past year. What's changed now?"

"Uh maybe the fact you've been in a car accident and there's no one to help you at home?!" Dinah stated obviously

"Keep your fucking voice down!!" Lauren warned her

"Does Normani know?" Dinah asked hoping someone else knew

"I've always made excuses, she rarely comes over and when she does I just say everyone's out or they went on a trip or a holiday or something like that. It's not a big deal." Lauren said as if it was the most normal thing in the world

"It is a big deal. You need someone with you." Dinah sighed

"No I don't! I can take care of myself! I'm fine Dinah." Lauren enforced

Lauren wasn't fine, she was far from fine. But she was the only one who knew it. Even Normani had no clue.

Yet she found herself letting Dinah in rather than her best friend, and boy did she feel guilty.

"Let me stay with you." Dinah spoke up making Lauren look up at her

"No way. No Dinah, you have a home to go to, and I'll be fine. Just please don't tell anybody about my situation. Please." Lauren begged

"I don't know Lauren, what if social services find out-" Dinah began

"They won't unless you tell them. They haven't so far! In a couple years I'll be 18 and there'll be no problem. Just keep your mouth shut and I'll be alright. Can you do that? Since we're friends now? A friend would do that for a friend." Lauren resorted to emotional blackmail, she hated herself for it.

Dinah thought about it and sighed, she had to prove to Lauren somehow that she could be a good friend, and if this was a way to do it then she'd take it.

But she would still find a way to help her out nevertheless.

"Okay I won't say anything. But I'll be watching you Lauren. If I see any sign of a problem I won't hesitate to come over to your house and confront you about it." Dinah warned

"Fine, I mean. Thanks Dinah." Lauren offered a small smile

"Come here." Dinah opened her arms to which Lauren gladly accepted her embrace

"You won't tell Normani?" Lauren checked with Dinah making absolutely sure it was just between them

"I won't tell her Lauren, I promise." Dinah reassured her, already feeling guilty in her new situation

"Miss Jauregui?" A nurse came in the room looking for her

"Yes?" she answered curiously

"You can be discharged now. You're free to go with the help of your friend here of course." The nurse smiled and left the room

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