Chapter 3

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After driving for a little, Dick broke our awkward silence. Which I was very grateful for.

"According to those files, the man who came after you may have been a part of some doomsday cult. They apparently believe it's their destiny to prevent the end of the world. Does that mean anything to you?"

"Well, back when I was kid, you know, I didn't get too angry, or scared. Cause bad things happen" Rachel answered

"What kind of bad things?" I asked, Rachel look away with a frown on her face. I knew she didn't want to talk about so I didn't push her.

"I guess I'm an orphan, too, now." Rachel said. "Welcome to the club!" I joked with a frown.

"That billionaire, Bruce Wayne, he raised?" Rachel asked, "Yeah" Dick answered but not as happy as I thought anyone would be

"Wow, that must have been cool" I asked, "It was... complicated."

"Does it ever go away?" Rachel asked breaking our awkward silence we seem to keep having

"What?" Both me and Dick asked, "The feeling you got left behind."

I just stared down at my seat wanting to change the topic. I knew what that was like. Everyone left me in one night. Parents, family that was supposed to take care of me, gone.

"Yeah, well not entirely" Dick said, "You're gonna leave me too, aren't you?" Rachel asked the two of us. I didn't know about Dick but I knew this girl needed help and I was gonna help her and be the help I needed at her age.

"No, we aren't going to leave you. I promise, Dick?" I responded, "No, I'm not going to do that" Dick added

"So, who are these guys?" Rachel asked, "Yea, I have been wondering the same thing." I added

"Old friends. Truth is I haven't seen them for a long time." Dick answered which ended our conversation putting us into silence till we got to this apartment complex.

Dick knocked on an apartment door, when a pretty woman opened the door.

"Hey" Dick said, "Hi" the woman added. I don't know what happened but whatever it was, it was extremely awkward.

"Hi, I'm Rachel." Rachel said breaking the horrible awkwardness "Hey, and I'm Ember" I added

"Dawn" the lady said, "Can we talk?" Dick asked.

"You're about four years too late, but sure." Dawn answer. Wow four years, that is a long time, and I could tell by her tone we were a surprise, which I felt extremely awkward about.

"Wow, this place is huge." Rachel said while walking into the apartment, "Your right, and it's so nice." I added

We all walked on to the roof, Dawn and Dick sitting on a bench talking while me and Rachel watched the doves.

"You think there is some history between those two?" I asked Rachel, "Definitely, when I shock her hand I could see that they were more than friends and it didn't look like it ended well."

"Oh interesting." I said, after a few minutes a man came walking up to the roof. Grabbing both me and Rachel attention as I looked over

"Hey, what the hell are you doing here, Dick?" The man said, well this is going to be fun, I thought.

"Hank" Dawn interrupted the soon to be fight, which I assumed to be his name.

"I had a situation." Dick answered looking at the two of us.

"Nice little reunion you got going on here." Hank said angrily. "You know it's not like that."

Out of all the time I felt awkward today. This was the worst. "Sure looks like that to me." Hank said, stepping closer to Dick.

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