Chapter 20

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After I finished my call with Jason, I stayed there for a little bit before heading back to my apartment. It was small and very old but it was where I have been staying since I left the foster care home.

I walked up to my front door and saw an eviction notice on the door. "Great, 3 days left of this shit hole." I said so myself as I opened up the door.

I fell into my bed, or whatever you would call a small mattress on the floor. I closed my eyes hoping maybe I would get some sleep and not have a nightmare.

I was wrong.

I stood on the edge of the bridge looking down onto the water with tears running down my face. "See you soon, mom and dad." I said before reaching one of my feet off the edge.

I was stopped when a little boy came up to me. "What are you doing?" The boy asked.

I turned my body to face the boy and sat down on the edge of the bridge in front of the boy. Yes I wanted to die but I couldn't kill myself when I child was right there.

"Where are your parents, go find them." I told the boy who looked around to be 4 years old. "No!" The boy demanded as he crossed his arms.

We stared at each other for a minute, I got to admit he was kinda cute, but very stubborn.

After what felt like hours of us staring at each other with our arms crossed. An older man and woman ran over to where we were and the woman picked up the boy.

"Oliver, where did you go?" She asked the boy hugging him in her arms. "I was here with her." Oliver answered pointing towards me.

The dad came over to me, "And what were you doing here?" He asked kinda worryingly.

I just stared at him with no emotion, not answering. "She was standing on the edge trying to jump." Oliver answered, everyone looked over to him, I just gave him the are you serious look.

The mom and dad looked back over to me with more worry. "What's your name?" The dad asked. "Ember, and don't bother calling someone." I answered looking at his hands as he pulled out his phone. "Both my parents died a few years back, no one in my family wants me and I'm in foster care." I added.

The mother walked closer to me with tears in her eyes. "Look you seem like a wonderful family, and I don't want you to worry about me, so take your son and leave me here and just forget this ever happened." I spoke with little tears running down my face.

"No, we are not leaving you, okay." The mother demanded, "I'm Sophia and this is Liam." She added pointing over to her husband.

"You are worth something, you deserve to be in this world, you have a purpose, you might not see it now but you will soon." Sophia said as she handed over Oliver to Liam and giving me a big hug.

I cried so much, we were there for a few minutes alone until Liam and Oliver joined our hug. That's when I knew, maybe someone did care about me.

We broke away from the hug, as we stared at each other for a minute before I felt something tug on my arms, pulling me over the edge. "Come join us honey, you should've died with us in the first place." My mothers voice called out.

"They don't care about you, they were gonna send you away and you were going to be put in a worse place than the foster care building." I heard my dad's voice say before I hit the water, waking me up from my nightmare.

I sat up in my bed breathing really heavily. I looked over at my phone to see it was 7 in the morning.

I got out of my bed and got ready for the day, still breathing heavily but calming down after I got ready. I packed a bag full of clothes and things I would need since I would be leaving soon.

After an hour or so of getting ready and packed up I left my apartment for the very last time. I threw my keys on the front desk and walked out the building.

I walked over to a little cafe and grabbed a coffee and a muffin for breakfast. I sat there for a little alone until someone came by."Hey, been a while." A boy said as he took the seat across from me at the table.

I looked up to see my old boyfriend. "Jackson?" I questioned putting my coffee down on the table.

"Yup, how have you been?" He asked casually, like it hasn't been almost 3 years since we last saw each other. "Don't, how have you been me." I yelled, "Remember you left me, and you come back thinking it's all okay, like we're okay."

"Look what I did back then was terrible and I'm sorry." Jackson pleaded. "You're not sorry, if you were sorry, you wouldn't have left me."

"I liked you, like really liked you or hell even loved you. I thought we were good, I told you I liked you, and you turned into the people I would cry to you about. You bullied me for months, would spread rumors, laugh at me and then you left, and they would continue and wouldn't stop. So don't ever fucking say your sorry." I argued, my eyes were starting to turn red so I faced down looking at my food.

"I loved you, I was just too scared, so the only way was to switch up the feeling and hate you instead." He said almost sounding like he was telling the truth, but I knew he wasn't.

"Look, I don't give a fuck if you loved me then because you never did so this fake sob story isn't cutting it." I yelled looking back at him. "I might have loved you then, but I will never fucking love you ever again." I added as I got up from my seat and grabbed my stuff leaving the cafe.

"Goodbye, Jackson." I said I was pissed off at him, for even thinking it was okay to see me again after all the hurt he caused me.

I took a deep breath starting to cry a little as I walked down the street heading to my next stop.

As I reached the small home, I knocked on the door. I waited there for a minute before the door opened up.

"Emmy!" Oliver yelled as he gave me a big hug. We pulled away from the hug, "What are you doing answering the door to strangers, haven't mom and dad taught you anything." I joked.

"But you're not a stranger." He spoke back as the rest of the family opened the door. "And whose this little munchkin?" I asked, looking at Mia, Oliver's younger sister who was around 2.

I picked her up and gave her a huge hug. I looked over at Sophia and Liam who were smiling, I walked over to give them a hug after I put Mia back on the ground.

They invited me in and we all sat in the living room. Mia was sitting on my lap with Oliver next to me on the couch.

"So where did you go?" Sophia asked,"Yea where did you go, I was worried." Oliver added.

"I went with some friends out of the country, and I am actually seeing one of them tomorrow and I will be leaving again, sorry." I spoke as everyone looked at me sadly. "Don't go!" Oliver pleaded.

"I have to, I'm sorry, but I will be back, I just need to figure some things out and get a life outside of Detroit." I said, "But I will be here for the rest of the day, if it's okay with your mom and dad." I added looking back over at Sophia and Liam.

"That's fine with us, the kids missed you." Liam spoke.

"I have to show you my new room!" Oliver yelled as he grabbed my arm, I picked up Mia and followed Oliver to his room.

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