Chapter 15

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We walked over to the bar and leaned against the counter. Jason took someone's drink, I looked at him with an, are you serious, face.

"Hey." A lady spoke, it was probably hers, I thought. "My bad. Thought it was mine. Let me buy you another one." Jason flirted. "It wasn't my drink." The lady spoke again.

This is gonna end badly, I thought while biting my lip. "What the Fuck are you doing?" A man said coming up from next to the woman.

"I'm sorry, Mumford. Did you say something?" Jason asked with a cockiness tone. "Do you want me to kick your ass?" The man asked.

"I want you to try." Jason joked. I stood between the two of them. "Jason, don't, let's just go, okay." I said, grabbing his shoulders to calm him down.

"Yea, listen to your little girlfriend." The man joked. I was pissed, I turned my head around and gave him a death stare, "I think you should leave too, little man." I said angrily.

"Freak!" The man spoke, "Look at your eyes, weirdo." I knew exactly what he was talking about, my red eyes. I stopped thinking for a moment and just stared at the ground.

"What the hell did you just say?" Jason yelled, shoving the man. They both started to shove each other. I let them fight as I stood off to the side still thinking about what the man said.

Jason grabbed the man by the collar, "Let's do this." He joked. "Let's not." Dick said, pulling Jason away from the man.

"Back the fuck off. I got this." Jason yelled. I was brought back to reality watching Dick stand between the men trying to calm Jason down. "Jason–" Dick started.

An explosion then happened making everyone fall to the ground. Jason used his arms to cover my body as glass shattered everywhere.

Dick grabbed the two of us, taking us out of the club. "I think we got lucky." Jason spoke.

Dick's phone started to ring and he walked a little away to answer it. My hands started to shake a lot and I could feel my breathing start to speed up. "Hey, you okay?" Jason asked.

He looked down at my hands and grabbed them. "Hey, you're okay, we are safe, okay. What that idiot guy said back there was nothing, ignore him he is just some asshole." Jason said, calming me down.

My breathing slowed down a bit. "Thank you." I smiled, "Sorry, it was just another panic attack, I'm okay now." He still held onto my hands but slowly let go as Dick walked back over to us.

"Who was that?" Jason asked, concerned as Dick seemed to be really worried about something. "I killed his father." I opened my eyes wide at the crazy news I just heard.

We followed Dick as he walked over to the sidewalk. "The guy who murdered your parents? That's a win either way you look at it. One less scumbag on the face of the planet. Man, that must have felt awesome." Jason said.

"Yeah, that's the problem." Dick said as he stopped to turn towards us. "Hey, you want my advice? Don't be Robin. All those years Bruce was helping me, he was training me into a weapon. His weapon. He may have to be convinced that you can get everything you ever wanted but you can't unlearn what he teaches you, and you can't control it. Believe me, the price is too high."

Dick brought his attention to me, "Ember, learn your powers, learn to control them. But don't let the world see it. They'll turn you into a weapon and when you make one mistake it will follow you for the rest of your life. Trust me." I took in his words thinking about them.

This is what the world wanted me to be. They gave me powers after the only people I have ever loved died. If I wasn't the Fire Girl of Detriot, then what was I? A homeless, familyless girl with no one and no future.

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