Chapter 28

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So far the first week has been great. Dick makes us train every morning, and then we are pretty much on our own for the rest of the day. He would help us individually and we would help each other in training throughout the day.

We would sometimes play games, watch movies or eat meals together. Which to me personally was my favorite. I have spent the past 5 years being on my own so getting every chance to hang out with my family I take it.

With all of the free time I have had, that means a lot of reading and researching time. I have found nothing. I've been trying to figure out... me, and my powers.

I wasn't given these powers for no reason, Rachel has her meaning and backstory on her powers, why can't I find anything on me.

I haven't told anyone, and not planning to until I found out every detail. That was until today, one week after we moved in I finally found the book on the fire phoenix.

It took me hours to read it and understand it. I dropped the book on the ground from my bed, making a loud noise, someone would be barging in soon.

My heart started to race, my breathing increased. I felt trapped, everything changed, I could hurt people, even kill people. Maybe what Trigon showed me was the future and not just a nightmare.

"Hey, you okay? I heard a loud bang." Jason barged in. My hands were in my hair, my whole body was shaking. Jason must have seen because he immediately sat next to me and started to rub my back trying to calm me down.

"What's that matter? You can talk to me." Jason spoke softly, still trying to calm me down. "Get the fuck away from me." I cried, shoving him off of me.

"What the fuck is your problem, I am trying to help you." Jason yelled back confused at my sudden anger. "I meant to burn the world, Jay." I yelled a little calmer than before.

"What?" Jason asked, confused and seemingly concerned. "Read the fucking book!" I cried. I sat there hugging my knees tight, crying, and trying not to look at Jason as he read the book.

After a while he finally spoke, I couldn't bear to look, and watched as he read my destiny, my prophecy, my reason for being here. "You're meant to burn the world?" He asked calmly, probably trying not to build up my anger.

I didn't answer, I just cried, but all I could feel was Jason hugging me. Yes, he's hugged me multiple times, but this one felt different, it felt comforting, like it was okay to cry, it was okay to let out every emotion in my body out.

We didn't talk for at least 10 minutes before I finally spoke. "Rachel's meant to destroy worlds, I meant to burn the world. How am I supposed to teach her to control her powers and train with you guys, what if I hurt you. We don't know when I lose control and my powers get out of hand."

He didn't answer, he just stared at me trying to process what I just told him. "Look, we can help you, I can help you. And the only way this whole burn the world shit happens is if you make it happen, and last I checked you don't want to burn the world." Jason smiled, trying to build up our sad mood.

I smiled giving him another hug, but this time a little happier than before. "Do you want to tell the others?" He asked, pulling away from our hug. "No, unless I need to, I don't really want to throw more shit on them because we're finally away from trying to save the world, I like this little break." I smiled, much happier.

"Yea, it's nice. I just hope Dick and Bruce will let me go back to being Robin, back in Gotham." Jason said, shifting his mood a little, and moving his head to face the bed. " I promise, you will get there, just enjoy this. I don't know about you but I kinda like it." I winked, grabbing his attention even more.

"What is it you like? The training to be titans or this?" Jason joked pointing between the two of us. "Idk you will have to figure that one out on your own." I joked before getting out of bed and heading out of the room.

"Hey where are you going?" Jason yelled, getting out of his own little world in his head. "It's game night tonight, remember? I have to beat Gar this time." I joked, as I watched Jason follow behind me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked, "Yea, thank you." I smiled, "Last one there is a rotten egg." I yelled, running towards the dining room. "Hey, no fair." Jason yelled from behind.

I laughed as I watched him show up to the table with the rest of the group, very late. "Finally you showed up, we were gonna start without you." Dick joked as he shuffled out the card deck.

"She got a head start, and Dick you don't want me to play because you are afraid to lose to me again." Jason shot back sitting down in his chair next to mine. "No, the real reason he is late is because he is afraid to lose to me." Rachel joked back, making Gar laugh.

"Like you think you are gonna win, who is the card master here." Gar confidently spoke. "Not for a long tiger boy." I boldly shot back, making the first move. "On it's on, Ember." He joked back making the next move.

This went on for an hour and a half, constant jokes, bickering, yelling and not to mention lots of cursing. Dick ended up losing along with Jason, and Rachel. Gar won and I only got second by like 5 points.

Gar laughed as all of us just stared at him annoyed. "Told you." Gar looked at me laughing even harder. "I will get you next time." I said annoyed at losing again.

"At least you didn't lose." Rachel joked, moving all of our attention to Dick who just seemed so pissed off at all of us. "Who knew a bunch of teenagers would beat a grown man." Jason joked making all of us laugh and watching Dick who was pissed off even more.

"You say that now, but watch out you four, tomorrow's training will be even more brutal." Dick said as he got out of his seat leaving. "You can't do that, you're just a sore loser." Rachel yelled.

"Oh but I can, and I will." Dick laughed walking out of the room.

I just smiled watching all of this chaos happen. It distracted me from what happened earlier. Yes, I might be meant to burn the world, but like Jason said. The only way for it to happen was for me to make it happen, not the world, me. 

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