Chapter 4

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After a while of sitting in the bed after Dick left. Me and Rachel looked around the apartment when we both spotted a letter and a wad of cash inside.

Rachel picked up the letter looking at it, then giving it to me. I was shocked, and I am sure Rachel was too.

He was going to leave us or Rachel at least. My name isn't mentioned once, where was I going to go?

I watched as Rachel started to tear up and run to the roof. I followed her, scared she of what she was going to do.

We both stared at the doves as I put my arm around Rachel trying to comfort her when Dick barged through the door screaming out names.

"There up here," Dick yelled behind him, "Hey, what are you two doing up here? I was worried." He walked over to us worryingly, "Rach, Em, what's wrong?"

"You were going to leave me here. You said you weren't, but you lied." Rachel said, turning around. "And what about me, did you forget I am here too, I matter as well." I added

"You must lie a lot." Rachel said, "Yea, and your fucking good at it." I added to argument

"What's she talking about?" Hank asked as he walked into the roof, "Hank don't read that. I.." Dick started to say

"It's got my name on it," Hank started then read the letter, "What the fuck?" You were going to leave her here? You were going to pay us?"

"It's not that simple," Dick said back, "I know you guys can watch out for her." Hank quoted as I saw Rachel head back to the doves and I followed her giving her a side hug knowing she probably needed it right not. "Seems pretty simple to me. You were going to buy us?" Hank continued.

"Hank, slow down. He's just trying to help." Dawn said as she tried to calm him down. I scoffed at the word help, yea right he was helping, by dropping us off wherever he could.

"Wait, did you know about this?" Hank asked Dawn, "You saw what he did."

"That's enough." Dawn snapped back. What were they talking about, if I weren't so angry I would have asked a million questions.

"He's a fucking psycopath." Hank yelled, causing me to turn to them really confused on what he was talking about.

"Hey, Rachel. I was going to come back for you." Dick said to Rachel. "And what about me, leave me on the streets and then magically come back weeks or months later." I snapped at Dick. "Liar, you weren't going to come back." Rachel yelled

As we were all yelling we didn't realize a family of four came into the roof until the older woman spoke. "Well, hello there, you five"

"Who the fuck are these guys?" Hank said as he walked over to the family

The older man started to walk towards Hank and then proceeded to push him to the ground

Let the fun begin, I said as I started to walk over to the family but then Dick grabbed me pulling me with Rachel over to the other side of the roof

"Get down, you two stay here" Dick started to say, "Watch her please" Dick said towards me

I just nodded my head pulling Rachel closer to me and keeping an eye out for the family. A few seconds later the kids walked over to Dick

"Dick" I yelled as the kids threw him over a small wall

"Hank" I heard Dawn yell out. I looked over to see Hank with a rope around his neck and the dad holding onto Dawn.

Just then the man threw Dawn over the roof making her fall to the ground, "Dawn" Hank yelled before getting knocked down

"Okay that's it" I said as I started to walk over to the family. A threw a punch at the older man as he and his family approached Rachel and I

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