Chapter 17

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"Honey, it's time for bed." my mom called from the kitchen. Putting away our snacks we all had.

"Why?" I complained.

"Because Em you have things to do tomorrow and it's almost midnight." My dad added to my mom's comment.

I rolled my eyes getting up from my seat on the couch. "Do I really have to go? We could watch another movie or just relax." I questioned.

"Yes you do sweetheart, you love your sports and activities. You are committed, it's too late to quit now." My mom stated, "We don't have quitters in the Jones household." My dad added, then turned to look at my mom sharing the same sad look.

I stared at the two of them knowing exactly what they were talking about. Having children, they can't have anymore or at least don't try to after all the failed tries, except for me.

After the long awkward silence, I spoke up. "Fine, but after I finish, I am resting." I joked.

"Deal" Both my parents said at the same time. "Goodnight, love you both." I said, turning my way towards the hallway.

"Love you too, sweetheart." My mom yelled back, "Love you!" My dad added.

I walked over to my room, shutting the door and flopping on my bed. Argh, I thought, why did my parents make me do everything in the world possible.

Like why can't I have a weekend of peace instead of doing stuff I hate. Why can't I just tell them I hate things, oh that's right, I have to do everything because I don't have any siblings to do half the stuff I do.

I hate being an only child, I don't blame my parents for not having a sibling.I just wish I had more free time, to hang out with friends at the mall, not run around juggling everything all at once.

I flipped my body over looking at the ceiling slowly shutting my eyes. Besides doing everything there is in the world, and my parents' baby struggles, my life was perfect, I thought as I smiled to myself falling asleep.

I was sleeping peacefully, like every night. But I jumped out of bed at the screams of my parents from across the hall.

I went to get up to see what was happening, but as soon as I stepped on the ground, I stepped on fire, burning my foot.

I looked around the room seeing it was all on fire and there was no way out. This is, this is how I die. I screamed at the top of my lungs, looking around for a way to get out.

For what it felt like screaming for hours, my parents stopped. I cried even harder thinking that they probably died or got hurt so bad.

Firefighters walked into my room to see me in perfect condition considering my whole room was in flames. I locked eyes with the firefighters yelling for them.

When one of the firefighters picked up my bridal style, I passed out from the smoke.

I woke up the next morning alone in a hospital room. I looked around confused as to where I was at but then soon realized what happened.

I closed my eyes trying to realize it was all a nightmare. "You are a mistake." Someone with my moms voice whispered into my ear.

"You did nothing, you sat there as we died." My dad added, "You are the reason we are dead."

I shook my head aggressively, getting the voices out of my head. "Now look at you, you are all alone, you're an orphan, a nobody." My moms voice spoke again.

I yelled at the voices trying to get them out of my head. When a nurse walked in looking at me in worry, and also looking scared.

Another nurse walked in behind her, staring at me but with a smile. "She's the Fire Phoenix!"

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